Ray the rubbish daily. 查看更多



Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Tuesday, July 17


This is ray last week at school before the summer holiday come. Today

our teacher took us to the museum. We looked at some old stamps, gold and silver treasure, and pictures from different parts

1.________the world. Some of the students said the pictures were

2.boring ________I liked them. In the afternoon there was no school.

3.Great! I went shopping with Mom. She bought me ________new rucksack. It's OK. She went into a bookshop for hours and hours so we

4.________home late for dinner. Dad was hungry! After dinner I suddenly remembered something. Tomorrow I'm going to have a

5.history examination. But I was ________tired to read the history book.


Choose the words which have the letter “X x”(从下列单词中选出含有“X x”的单词)

black x-ray hop pick box

pencil-box xylophone right Max pen



Look ____ Ray. He is ____ the tree.           
[     ]
A. on; for    
B. for; at    
C. at; in


Read and complete the sentence

You are thirsty. You need to ________.



There_____ some milk bottles on the floor.

A. is B. are C. have

