They take turns to carry Bearie. 查看更多



Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Many children like to watch TV because there are many interesting programmes on TV  (1)  they don't know watching TV for a long time is bad for their eyes.

   (2) we look at the children around us, we can see many children wearing glasses even at six or seven years old.  (3) parents and teachers should tell them not to keep watching TV for a long time.

  TV programmes are interesting  (4)  children can learn a lot from these programmes, but we should take good care of our eyes.


[  ]

A.But  B.Because  C.So


[  ]

A.If  B.Because  C.But


[  ]

A.If  B.So  C.Because


[  ]

A.because  B.but  C.and


Listen and circle T(rue)or F(alse).(听活动手册第7页的录音,判断对错)

1)Lingling looks tired.



2)She went to the Great Wall yesterday.



3)She went there with her family.



4)They didn't take any pictures.



5)They had fun there.





Read and answer the questions

The day before yesterday it rained very hard, but I didn't take an umbrella with me. When I got home, I was wet all over. I felt very cold and so I drank a glass of hot water and took a shower. After that I felt better. However, I felt very ill at midnight. I didn't want to wake up my parents so I waited until the next morning. Later, my parents said I was strong-minded(意志坚强的) but they didn't want me to do that, too.

(1)What was the weather like the day before yesterday?


(2)Did the writer take an umbrella with him?


(3)What did the writer do at home?


(4)How did the writer feel at midnight?



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.


Last Sunday Mum, Helen and Nick walked to the park. They didn't take their ________ with them because it was a ________ day. They had a picnic on the grass. Nick also took some ________ for them with his camera and then Mum said, “Look at those black clouds! There is going to be a storm.” Just then it started to rain heavily and they were all ________. They ran to a restaurant nearby and they ________ some hot water. Then Nick took off his shoes. “Oh, they are full of water inside.” Nick shouted and they all laughed.

What's the best name for this story? Choose one.

[  ]

A.Nick's Shoes

B.A Sunny Day in the Park

C.A Sudden Rain


      Miss Wang wants to t___________ some books to the classroom. She p___________ the books in a big
box. It's too h__________, she a__________ her student Li Ming to h__________ her. Li Ming f__________
three small boxes. He takes some of the books o___________ of the big box and t___________ puts them in the
small b___________. They take a___________ the small boxes to the classroom.

