She know how to play the piano. 查看更多




(  )Does she know me?

A.No, she doesn’t.

B.No, she isn’t.



1. A: (1)T            is John (2)            Tian'anmen (3)            .  
    B: (4) W             (5)            ?
    A: He was tired.  
2. A: What is the girl (6)             ?
    B: (7)             is (8)            ?
    A: Why?   
    B: Because (因为) she (9)h             (10)             nose yesterday.


      Last week, Mrs. Black went to Beijing. She didn't know Beijing very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly
she saw a young man near a bus stop. She went up to the young man and said, " Excuse me! Can you tell me
the way to the Beijing Hotel, please? " The young man smiled. He didn't know Chinese! He came from Japanese.
But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a Chinese dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he
said slowly, " I'm sorry. I can't understand you. I do not speak Chinese. I am a Japanese."
1. When did Mrs. Black go to Beijing?
2. Does she know Beijing very well?
3. Where did she see a young man?
4. Can the young man speak Chinese?
5. Where does the young man come from?


(     ) 1. Are youTom?                                                          
(     ) 2. What's your name?                                           
(     ) 3. How do you do?                                               
(     ) 4. Nice to meet you!                                        
(     ) 5. Thank you!                                                       
(     ) 6. What do you like to do?                                       
(     ) 7. Is this a map?        .                                         
(     ) 8. Is this a hen?                                                     
(     ) 9. Is she your mother?                                        
(     ) 10. Where do you live? 
A. How do you do?                  
B. Nice to meet you, too.          
C. No, I'm not. I'm Bill.        
D. I want to play basketball.            
E. You're welcome.             
F. My name is Kate.                       
G.Yes, she is.                    
H. In Hangzhou.                                             
I. Yes, it is.                
J. No, it isn't. It's a duck.     


(     ) 1. 我不知道。            
(     ) 2. 我渴了。              
(     ) 3. 你想要点汤吗,汤姆?  
(     ) 4. 我在下午做作业。      
(     ) 5. 我不喜欢吃鱼。        
(     ) 6. 见到你很高兴。        
(     ) 7. 我喜欢吃的食物是面条。
(     ) 8. 我的书桌              
(     ) 9. 这是什么?            
(     ) 10. 五个桔子          
A. Would you like some soup, Tom?            
B. Nice to meet you.                        
C. my desk                                  
D. I am thirsty.                            
E. five oranges                                                           
F. I do my homework in the afternoon.       
G. I don't know.                           
H. I don't like fish.                        
I. My favourite food is noodles.                 
J. What's this?                       

