Mrs Tay the clothes in the afternoon. 查看更多



Read the text and choose the best answer.


Ben: I'm Ben. What's yours?


[ A ]

A.I'm Anna.

B.Fine. Thank you.

C.Yes, I am.


Ben: Which school do you go to?


A.And you?

B.Stars School.

C.Next to the bank.

2.Ben: Do you know my teacher Mrs. Brown?


[  ]

A.Yes, I am.

B.Yes, I know.

C.Yes, I do.

3.Ben: Which teacher do you like most?


[  ]

A.He's a tall teacher.

B.My English teacher.

C.Yes, I've got many.

4.Ben: Is David your friend?


[  ]

A.Yes, we are good friends.

B.Yes, I've got him.

C.Yes, he's your good friend.

5.Ben: Could you help me with my English?


[  ]


B.Yes, you need help.

C.I can't help it.

6.Ben: OK then, see you.


[  ]

A.Good night.

B.That's OK.

C.See you.



Mrs Li is ______ (making/ buying) this dress. It is cheap but it is nice.


Look at the picture and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  My name is Henry. I was in Class three Grade four last year. I started to go to school at six years old. Right! Now I am eleven years old. I like to go to school because there are many good .friends in my school. The school is very far from my house. So usually my father takes me there by his bike.


(1)How old was Henry when he started to go to school? ________

(2)How does Henry go to school? ________

(3)Which grade is Henry in this year? ________

  At school, my favourite teacher is my maths teacher called Mrs. Brown. I like her class best because it is very interesting. I have maths lessons every day from Monday to Friday.

(4)What's Henry's favourite lesson? ________

(5)How many maths lessons does Henry have a week? ________

  After school I usually do my homework first and then play basketball on the sports field with my best friend Jim. That is my favourite sport. But I don't play it on the fourth day of the school. Because on that day I always have much homework to do.

(6)What does Henry do first after school? ________

(7)What day does Henry not play basketball? ________

(8)Where does Henry play basketball? ________

(9)Who's Henry's best friend? ________

(10)What's Henry's favourite sport? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Mrs. Jones likes shopping very much. And this afternoon, she went shopping again, when her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful dress she saw in a shop window. “You must want to buy it.” said her husband, “How much is it?” “It's $40.” Mrs. Jones answered. “$40 for a dress? It's too expensive!”


What does Mrs. Jones prefer doing? prefers shopping

1.What did Mrs. Jones want to buy? ________

2.Why didn't her husband agree to buy? ________

But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back home from work, his wife still talked only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, “Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!” Mrs. Jones was very happy after she heard this. She decided to buy it the next day.

3.What did Mr. Jone give his wife? ________

4.When did she decide to buy the dress? ________

But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked, “Have you had the famous dress?” she said, “No”. “Why not?” he asked his wife. His wife answered, “Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought nobody else wants this dress, so I didn't want it either.”

5.Where was the famous dress in the shop? ________

6.How long has the dress at least been in the shop since Mrs. Jones first saw it? ________

7.Who wanted the dress? ________


Read and answer the questions

Mr. and Mrs. White are at home. Their children are at home, too. Mrs. White is in the kitchen. She is making a cake. Mr. White is in the living room. He's sitting on a chair and reading a newspaper. Jim and his friend Mike are in the garden. They are playing. Sue and her friend Ann are in Sue's bedroom. They're watching TV.

(1)What's Mrs. White doing in the kitchen?


(2)Who are playing in the garden?


(3)What is Sue doing?


