What did the doctor do? 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story- Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Last week Jim was playing volleyball at school with his friends. Suddenly, he fell and broke his leg. His teacher phoned the hospital for an ambulance. They waited for a long time, but it didn't arrive. Jim's leg was hurting, so his teacher had to take him to the hospital by car


Which sport was Jim doing? volleyball

1.How did Jim break his leg? ________

2.How did Jim get to hospital? ________

Jim had to stay in hospital, but he didn't mind because all his friends came to visit him. They said, “Do you need anything?”He asked them for some sweets and a tape recorder, because the food tasted horrible, and he wanted to listen to his favourite music.

3.Who visited Jim in hospital? ________

4.What was the food like? ________

After two weeks, the doctor said, “Well, Jim, you can go home today. But you mustn't do any sports.”Jim was very sad then, because he loved sports. But at home that evening his mum said, “Look, Jim! I've made your favourite food, a pizza, and your dad's bought a video of your favourite football team.”Jim laughed and felt happy again.

5.How long did Jim stay in hospital? ________

6.What shouldn't Jim do? ________

7.What did Jim most like to eat? ________



--What did you do after school?

--I went to the ______ to see a doctor.

A. library   B. hospital  C. department store


     John is a student. He usually goes to school on foot. This morning he went to school by bus because
he got up late. Mike is John's classmate and he didn't go to school. He went swimming yesterday and
had a cold. The doctor asked him to take some medicine and stay in bed. So he has to stay at home for
a few days. After school, John and his classmates are going to buy some flowers and visit him.   
Please answer the questions:    
1. What is John?
2. How did John go to school this morning?
3. Did Mike have a cold?
4. What did Mike do yesterday?
5. What is John going to do after school?


Read and write “T” or “F”

  Mr. Johnson worked in an office, and he did a lot of important and difficult work. But he began to forget things and this made his work very difficult. One day he said to himself, “I'm going to see a doctor about this.”

  Mr. Johnson hurried into Dr. Green's office, and the doctor said, “What can I do for you, Mr. Johnson?”

  “Oh, doctor,” said Mr. Johnson, “It's terrible. I can't remember anything for long. It's about a minute. And this is making my work very difficult. What can I do? Can you help me?”

  The doctor said, “When did this start?”

  “When did what start?” Mr. Johnson said.

(1)Mr. Johnson began to forget things. ________

(2)Mr. Johnson could remember things for only a month. ________

(3)Because of the trouble, Mr. Johnson went to see a doctor. ________

(4)The doctor found a way to help Mr. Johnson. ________


      Mr. Black works in a hospital. As a good doctor, people in the town like him. He's often kind to patients
(病人) and looks them over carefully. But he's always busy and has little time to rest.
      One morning Mr. Black got to the hospital and saw a fat woman in the waiting room. He called her into his
office and asked, " What's the matter, Madam? "
      " It was my birthday yesterday, sir," said the woman, " My son gave me a present. But I couldn't push
(推动) my way in it." 
      " It doesn't matter, Madam," said Mr. Black, " You have to lose (丢失) some weight (重量). You'll be able
to wear your coat if you do all what I say."
      " You're wrong, sir," said the fat woman, " He bought me not a coat, but an expensive car! "
1. Where does Mr. Black work?
2. What did Mr. Black see when he got to the hospital?
3. Then what did he do?
4. What was the fat woman's birthday present?
5. What was the matter with the fat woman?

