The dentist asked Jason to take good care of his teeth. 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words.

Mrs Green wanted her children, Tom and Mary, to have good strong teeth. Every night she said, “You must clean your teeth well. It's very important. And you shouldn't eat sweets.”But Tom and Mary didn't like cleaning their teeth and they loved sweets.


What were Mrs Green's children called? Tom and Mary

1.What did Mrs Green want her children to have? ________

2.What did they like very much? ________

One day Mrs Green said, “Next week we are going to visit the dentist. If you have very good teeth I'll give each of you something nice.”Tom and Mary were very happy and they cleaned their teeth very carefully, after every meal. Mrs Green smiled.

3.Mow did the children feel? ________

4.How often did they clean their teeth? ________

“Perhaps she'll give me a new bicycle,” said Mary. “Perhaps I'll have a kite,”said Tom. When they saw the dentist he looked in their mouths very carefully. Then he smiled and said, “Very good, everything is fine.” The children were very happy. When they arrived home Mrs Green said, “You are very good children,”and she gave each of them a new pink toothbrush. Tom and Mary were not very happy!

5.What did Mary want? ________

6.Who looked in the children's mouths? ________

7.What did Mrs Green give each child? ________


Read and match

You have a toothache.

Go to see the dentist.

You have a stomachache.

Lie down and have a rest.

You have a headache.

Stop eating.


      John is only eight years old.  He studies in a school.  One day, his teacher asked him, "John, why didn't
you come to school yesterday?" "I went to see the dentist(牙医)because of my toothache,"answered John.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Is the tooth aching now?" asked the teacher. "I don't know. The dentist left
(leave的过去式)it in the hospital."
(     ) 1. John is a student.
(     ) 2. John has got a fever.
(     ) 3. John went to school yesterday.
(     ) 4. John's tooth is aching now.
(     ) 5. John's tooth was pulled out(拔出)  by the dentist.


     One day an American dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was
red and he could only say, "Quick! Quick!" The dentist though the must be very ill. His assistant (助手)
helped to make the man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then
he looked into the man's mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. After the man woke up, he said in a low
voice, "Quick, doctor! Quick!"
     "It's all right now. "the dentist told him. "It's over!"
     "You don't understand(理解). " said the man. "I came to tell you your house is on fire (火).
(     )1. The man is ill.
(     )2. The dentist is a Canadian.
(     )3. The man's house is on fire.
(     )4. The dentist pulled the man's bad teeth.
(     )5. The dentist didn't understand the man at first (起初).



My mother is cooking in the    .

A. kitchen  B. favorite   C. dentist

