He felt better in the evening. 查看更多



Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of “taste like, feel like, look like”

He didn't ________ ________ eating because he felt sick.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Sammi. I have a big and happy class. Last Sunday, our teacher took our class to the zoo. It was a sunny day and I wore a T-shirt and a skirt. We waited for the bus at the school gate.


Where did Sammi's class go last Sunday? to the zoo

1. What did Sammi wear to the zoo? ________

2.Where did they catch the bus? at the ________

At the zoo the teacher bought a map and looked at the things to watch. Susan likes bats but Simon doesn't. Jimmy wanted to see elephants but I wanted to see lions. At last we all went to the monkey house to see them first. There, we gave them some bananas to eat.

3.What doesn't Simon like? ________

4.Who wanted to see elephants? ________

5.Which fruit did we give to the monkeys? ________

I asked the teacher,“Where is the parrot house?”She looked at her map and then pointed to yellow house.“There it is. Let's go.”Said the teacher. The teacher told us parrots are her favourite birds and she has a parrot for a pet at home. Our teacher took a picture of the class when we were looking at the parrots. Susan stood between Jimmy and me. Suddenly one of the parrots flew to me and stood on my shoulder.

6.What pet has the teacher got? ________

7.What did the teacher do when the class looked at the parrots? ________

8.Who stood next to me? ________

Then it was lunch time. We sat down by the lake and had our lunch. We all brought burgers to eat, such as chicken burgers or fish burgers. We were very hungry and ate the burgers quickly. I had one, Susan had one but Jimmy had two and drank much mango juice because he felt thirsty. The teacher didn't eat much food. She just watched us. Suddenly Jimmy shouted, “Oh, I had a stomachache”. And Susan laughed a lot. But the teacher didn't. She looked at us and said,“We must go home now.”

9.What juice did Jimmy drink? ________

10.Who laughed a lot? ________



bed   football   last   swimming   tired   went   were   homework   happy   read

      1____________ Sunday, Mike was very 2____________. In the morning, he 3____________ to
a park with his friends. They played 4____________. Mike's team won the game, they 5____________
excited. Then they went 6____________ together. In the afternoon, Mike did his 7____________ and
8____________ a book. In the evening, he felt a little 9____________, so he went to 10____________ early.


1.will not(缩写)                           2.right(同音词)                   
3.potato(复数)                             4.save(反义词)                   
1. Li Ming jumps the              (high) in our class. 
2. He felt               (happy) during his holiday. 
3. The people around               (we) are very friendly. 
4. It's very easy for              (play) to get hurt. 
5. It was               (sun) yesterday. So there was no                (rain) in the sky. 
1. You should               (be) careful. 
2. They               (fly) to Shanghai yesterday.     
3. It's time for us               (have) a rest.
4. —             paper              (make) from wood?  —Yes. 
5. The girl              (ride) the bike is in Class One. We               (call) her Mary.


      Long ago, the dog f_________ a big and h_________ bone. He wanted to c_________ it t_________ the
forest, but he stopped at a l_________. Because he saw a dog i_________ the water w_________ a bone. He
barked a_________ the dog and lost his b_________. Finally he felt s_________, but he learned a lesson.

