Name one place that rents out skates. 查看更多



My name _________ one K!
[     ]
A. are              
B. have            
C. has  


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the examples.Write one-word answers.

One day last week Jim got up and went to work. He put on his trousers and jacket very quietly, because his family were sleeping. Then he went to the bathroom and cleaned his teeth After that he quickly went

  ________to the kitchen. He made a cup of coffee and ate some ________Then he picked up his bag, took his ________ and went to work. tie works in the library. The ________

was very quiet. There weren't any people or cars.

When he arrived he couldn't ________the door

A man watched him. Me ________and said

“It's Sunday today you know!”

What is the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.Jim makes a mistake

B.Jim has breakfast

C.Jim's new friend



  The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived two hundred years ago. Sandwich had lots of money. He was very rich. But he liked playing cards for money. He often played all day and all night. One time, he played twenty-four hours and didn't stop. He didn't leave the card table to eat. He asked his servant(仆人) to bring him some meat and some bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way, he could go on playing cards. From the name of this man, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich” today.

1. Sandwich was ________ before.

A. English food   B. an English car   C. an Englishman

2. Sandwich _______ plays cards.

A. sometimes   B. never   C. often

3. He didn't stop _________ when he played cards.

A. eating   B. to eat   C. eats

4. He played cards ________.

A. day and night   B. all day   C. all night

5. Sandwich is the name of ________ today.

A. a man   B. food   C. drink



I have one c____. Her name is Fangfang. She is 6 ___ old.


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.


Tony didn't come to school today. The teacher asked me to go to his house to see him. I arrived his home and saw Tony lying on his bed. I asked him what was wrong with him. He told me what happened this morning when he was

1.going to school.“When I was________off the bus. Someone behind me________me. And

3.I________ down the bus. And my leg was

4.________”he said,“how long will you be like this?”I asked. He said, “I'm not sure. But I'm afraid I couldn't go to school tomorrow. Today is my worst day.”I said to him,

5.“Don't worry! I can help you. I can ________you to school by bike every day.”Tony was very happy after he

6.________that. He thanked me for helping him. But I said, “Remember, we are friends.”Friends should always help each other.

7.What is the story called? Choose the best name and tick one box.

[  ]

A.My friend Tony.

B.Tony's worst day.

C.Making friends.

