Jason is happy because he passes his examinations. 查看更多



Read the text and choose the best answer.


Jason: What are you going to do during the summer holiday?


[ B ]

A.I went to the beach.

B.I'm going to the beach.

C.I have been to the beach.

1.Jason: When will you start?


[  ]

A.With my family.

B.Last week.

C.Next month.

2.Jason: Is your family driving to the beach?


[  ]

A.No, we're going by train.

B.Yes, we do.

C.No, we're going by car.

3.Jason: How long are you going for?


[  ]

A.Three weeks.

B.3,000 kilometres.

C.Three times.

4.Jason: How many times have you been there?


[  ]

A.Two times.


C.Two weeks ago.

5.Jason: You are going to stay in the hotel near the beach, aren't you?


[  ]

A.Yes, we will.

B.Yes, we do.

C.No, we aren't.


1. The boys like to listen to music when they do ____ (they) homework.
2. My mother's work is ____ (make) our city safe.
3. One day, Mr Green asked Mrs Green       _ (go) shopping with him.
4. We would brush our ____ (tooth) twice a day.
5. This book is the lightest and          (thin)  of all the books.
6. She is ____ (good) than Alice at swimming.
7. Janet ____ (get)  up at 7:30 am every day, so she is always late for school.
8. I think the ____ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.
9. Look at the sign. The library is ____ (close) from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
10. Jason is used to          (watch) TV the whole night.


Listen and choose. (听录音,选择听到的单词)
(     )1. Good A. morning!
B. afternoon!
(     )2. Hello! I am your new A. teacher.
B. friend.
(     )3. Who's that A. woman? 
B. man?
(     )4. She is my A. sister.
B. grandmother.
(     )5. How many books  A. do you have?     
B. can you see?
(     )6. Jason is from A. do you have?
B. can you see?
(   )7. What a big A. fish.
B. elephant.


Read it(读一读)

  What's that?

  It's big Q.

  Big Q looks like a mirror.

  What's that?

  It's small q.

  Small q looks like a mouse.

  Ha, ha, ha.

  The mouse is looking at the mirror.

  The mirror is looking at the mouse.

  Ha, ha, ha. It's very interesting.


Cat: I'm hungry. Hmm... Here comes a mouse. Now I can catch it.
Mouse: Dear cat. Wait a minute. Don't eat me. I can do things for you.
Cat: Oh! What can you do?
Mouse: I can sing.
Cat: Can you dance?
Mouse: No, I can't. But I can climb the tall tree. Then I can catch a bird for you.
Cat: Let me see.
Mouse: Ha Ha! Silly cat! Now I can run away. Bye!
1. Who's hungry?
2. Can the cat catch the mouse?
3. The mouse can do things for the cat, really?
4. Can the mouse dance?
5. Is the cat silly?

