koCe 6. lljey 7. lod 8. kcoo 查看更多



Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Colours, colours.

  What colour do you like?

  I like red, you like purple.

  She likes yellow, he likes blue.

  They like black, we like white.

  Like, like.

  What colour do you like?



There is    in the park.

A. pond    B. ponds   C. a pond


Say it(说一说)

  Who can draw an apple?

  I can draw an apple.

  Who can draw an orange?

  I can draw an orange.

  Can you draw a flower?

  No, I can't. I can draw a tree.

  Can you draw a cat?

  No, I can't. I can draw a dog.


Read it(读一读)

  Thumb king. Thumb king.

  This is my thumb king.

  Pointer, pointer.

  That is my pointer.

  Tall man, tall man.

  That is my tall man.

  Pinkie, pinkie, this is my pinkie.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  I have got a ruler.

  It's blue.

  I like it.

  I have got two crayons.

  They are green.

  I like them.

  I have got three pencil-boxes.

  They are purple.

  I like them.

