5.想知道有几只鸟.应问:( ) A. How many birds? B.I see eight birds. 查看更多



1. 你这样介绍自己的妹妹:
[     ]
A. This is my sister.
B. This is my new friend Lily.
2. 想知道有多少只鸟,你问:
[     ]
A. How many books do you have?
B. How many birds can you see?
3. 向别人问你不认识的女人:
[     ]
A. Who's that man?
B. Who's that woman?
4. 教师节向你老师说什么:
[     ]
A. Happy Teacher's Day.
B. Happy Woman's Day.
5. 询问别人来自哪里应该说:
[     ]
A. What are you from?
B. Where are you from?
6. 找不到你的钢笔,应该问:
[     ]
A. Where's my pen?
B. Is this my pen?
7. 打扰别人时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'm sorry.
B. Excuse me.


1. 你这样介绍自己的妹妹:
[     ]
A. This is my sister.
B. This is my new friend Lily.
2. 想知道有多少只鸟,你问:
[     ]
A. How many books do you have?
B. How many birds can you see?
3. 向别人问你不认识的女人:
[     ]
A. Who's that man?
B. Who's that woman?
4. 教师节向你老师说什么:
[     ]
A. Happy Teacher's Day.
B. Happy Woman's Day.
5. 询问别人来自哪里应该说:
[     ]
A. What are you from?
B. Where are you from?
6. 找不到你的钢笔,应该问:
[     ]
A. Where's my pen?
B. Is this my pen?
7. 打扰别人时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'm sorry.
B. Excuse me.


1. 问候“晚上好”应说:
[     ]
A. Good evening!    
B. Good morning!
2. 想知道对方几岁了,要问:
[     ]
A. How are you?    
B. How old are you?
3. 如果对方说这是蓝色的,要说:
[     ]
A. Black.    
B. Blue.
4. “我有一件新连衣裙”英文表达是
[     ]
A. I have a new dress.    
B. I have a new skirt.
5. 你想知道对方的姓名要问:
[     ]
A. How are you?    
B. What's your name?


1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,应问:
[     ]
A. Where is the pen ?                      
B. Where is the eraser ?                      
C. Where is it from ?
2. 当你想知道商店有多远时,应问:
[     ]
A. How long is the store ?                   
B. How much is the store ?
C. How far is the store ?
3. 当你想知道这个周六的天气怎样时,应问:
[     ]
A. What is the Saturday ?
B. What's the weather like this Saturday ?
C. It's Saturday today ?
4. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,应问:
[     ]
A. Would you like a cup of tea ?
B. What do you like best ?
C. What are you looking for ?
5. 当你想知道对方的爸爸是做什么的时,应问:
[     ]
A. Who is your father ?
B. What is your father ?
C. What does your father like ?


Context communication. 情景交际。
1. 当你想知道今天的日期时,应说:____    
[     ]
A. What's the date today?    
B. When is it?     
C. What time is it?
2. 当你想知道什么时间吃饭时,应说:____
[     ]
A. What is supper?    
B. When is supper?     
C. What time to eat supper?
3. 当你告诉别人今天天气晴朗时,应说:____
[     ]
A. It'S rainy.    
B. They are sunny   
C. It's sunny
4. 当你想知道今天天气如何时,应说:____
[     ]
A. How's the weather today?    
B. When is the weather today?     
C. What is the weather tomorrow?
5. 当你想知道现在几点了,应说:____
[     ]
A. When is it?                           
B. What time is it?
C. What day is it?  

