Is he a policeman? (no) 查看更多



      A policeman catches a thief. He wants to take the thief to prison, on their way, the thief says to the
policeman, " Please wait me for some time sir. I want to buy some bread." " I'm not a fool." says the policeman.
" You want to run away. don't you? " " No, but……? " says the thief. " Stay here and wait for me, boy! " says
the policeman, " Let me go and buy bread for you."
(     ) 1. A policeman wants to take the thief to prison.
(     ) 2. The thief wants to buy something for the policeman.
(     ) 3. The policeman lets the thief go to shop.
(     ) 4. The policeman goes to buy the food at last
(     ) 5. The policeman is not a fool.


     In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver and a policeman. They are all good friends.
What are their names? One is Mike, one is Jack, one is Tom and the other is John. Mike's, Jack's and
Tom's children are classmates. John has not any children. He teaches his friends' children at school.
Mike has many hens and he gives the driver and the doctor eggs. Jack's child goes to school to the
doctor's house. The doctor's is behind Jack's.
1. The four people live in a small _____.         
A. factory          
B. school        
C. village        
D. park
2. Are all the four people good friends?          
A. Yes, they are.              
B. No, they aren't.
C. No, two of them are.        
D. No, three of them are.
3. John is _____, Mike is _____, and Tom is_____.
A. a doctor; a policeman;a driver
B. a teacher;a policeman; a doctor
C. A policeman; a teacher; a driver
D. a driver; a doctor; a teacher
4. Which is right?          
A. Jack's house is behind the doctor's.
B. Jack gives his friends eggs.
C. Some of their children are in the same class.
D. John hasn't any children.
5. Jack's chi1d goes to school to _____.
A. Mike's house              
B. the teachet's house
C. the doctor's house          
D. John's house


1、Mike        (come) from America. 
2、Mr Smith        (live) in China now. 
3、The policeman                (not know ) the way to the history museum.              
4、How many students         (be) there in the school? 
5、There        (be) a desk and two tables in the room?
6、Would you like        (buy) a storybook? 
7、I don't like        (sing). 
8、           ( do ) Jim        (swim) faster than Ben? 
9、The child                  (not write ) as fast as the other students.   
10、Mike         ( run ) fast.  But they        (run) faster.   
11、Liu Tan       (fly) kites now.   
12、Ben and his father        (go) for a walk in the garden yesterday.   
13、Yang Lin        (get) up earlier than me.   
14、Ben       (do) wen in swimming.   
15、Look, some students        (have) a chat under the tree.      
16、I        (see) some boys playing basketball in the playground just now. 
17、There        (be) a running race tomorrow. 
18、Please       (show) us how       (make) a kite. 
19、What      you                     (do) next weekend? 
20、Ben        (want) to be a scientist. 
21、The telephone       (ring) now. 
22、Can I        (have) some soft drink, please? 
23、Mr Green       (like)       (draw) flowers on the cards. 
24、I       (do) my homework now. 
25、The twins        (have) a birthday party yesterday. 
26、How        you        ( spend ) your weekends? 
27、What       you        (do) last Spring Festival? 
28、Mum and I                                        (see) a Beijing Opera this afternoon. 
29、          (be) there any bread in the fridge? 
30、         he usually        (try) his best in English? No, he         . 
31、Where        (be) you last week? I       (be) ill. I       (be) at home. 
32、This is Meimei's telephone number.  You may           (call) her. 
33、Shall we         (get) some flowers for our teacher, Miss Liu? 
34、Today is your birthday. What       you        ( want ) ? 
35、They        (be) workers ten years ago. 
36、They                                (have) a meeting the day after tomorrow. 
37、There        (be) some old houses before. But now, there       (be) nothing. Perhaps there        (be) a new 
       hospital soon.       
38、Many of the students        ( like, watch) TV at the weekends, but Lucy        ( like, sit) quietly and        
      (listen) to the music. 
39、Tom and Mary        (visit) their grandfather yesterday. They        (plant) flowers in the garden now, they
                (go) to school again tomorrow. 
40、Tom        (do) it I think, because he           (do) it for me three weeks ago. If you ask him, he       (do) it 
       for you. 
41、A.: Mum, where       (be) my camera?   B: It        (be) there a moment ago. 
42、Can you        (sing) an English song?  
43、         you                        ( read ) a book about animals? 
44、Why        (be) Ben late for school today? 
45、I want         (know) something about your family.


Policeman: Good morning madam.  1            
Mrs Lee: Oh, officer, it's my Ned. He's run away from home.
Policeman: When did you last see Ned?
Mrs Le :   2  
Policeman: How did he seem? Was he acting strangely?
Mrs Lee: No, not at all. He seemed completely normal.
Policeman : How old is Ned?
Mrs Lee: He's twelve.
Policeman:    3  
Mrs Lee: None. Why do you ask ?
Policeman: Well, because he can't have gone very far without any money.
Mrs Lee:    4  
Policeman: I can't say exactly, Mrs Lee, but I hope we'll find him very soon. Now can you
                  tell  me what Ned looks like?
Mrs Lee: Certainly. He's got long floppy (松弛下垂的) ears, a short tail and...
Policeman: What?  5  
A. How much money did he have?
B. He was born in January.
C. At 6 o'clock yesterday evening.
D.  You mean Ned isn't your son.  He's your dog!
E. How often do you visit him?
F. What can I do for you?
G.  How long will it take you to find him?


阅读短文,根据短文内容补全单词 (首字母已给出),将答案填写在短文下面的答题处。
       Last month, a   1    celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Jed's parents sent him to England for further study.
They told him, "You should always remember to t   2    of other people first, then you will be a whole person."
One day, he was walking in the street, suddenly he heard a big noise. He ran to where the noise c   3    from.  
When he got there, he saw a small car had knocked into the side of a truck. Someone in the car is shouting 
"Help! Help!". The street is q   4   . He looked around and found there were no people there. Q   5    he put down
his bag and tried his best to open the car door. But he couldn't. He ran b   6    down the street to the n   7    
telephone stand (电话亭) as fast as he could to call the policeman and the doctor. Soon the policeman and the 
doctor arrived. With their help, he got the car door open and carried the man o   8   . The man looked worried.
"Don't worry. You will be all right in a week or t   9   ." said Jed. The man held  Jed's hands and said, "You are 
really a good young man." Jed was very happy to hear it, he knew h  10    to be a whole person at that time.  
1.                  2.                   3.                    4.                   5.                 
6.                  7.                   8.                    9.                   10.             

