Come to the front. 查看更多



Please come        the front.      
[     ]
A. to    
B. on    
C. in


Mr. Wang: May I come in?
Mr. Liu: Oh, it's you. Please come in.
Mr. Wang: Thanks. How are you this afternoon and how's your brother?
Mr. Liu: I'm fine, thanks. My brother isn't at home now. He goes to see his friends on Sunday afternoon.
             He's fine, too. It's time to practice (练习) English, isn't it ?
Mr. Wang: Yes. What are we going to talk about this time (这次)?
Mr. Liu: What about this picture? Look, here it is!
Mr. Wang: What a nice picture! I like it!
Mr. Liu: So do I. It's a picture of Mr. Smith's family.
Mr. Wang: Let me have a look. Ah, there're four members (成员) in the family. One, two, three, four.
Mr. Liu: No, five. There're five.
Mr. Wang: But I see only four. Look, Mr. Smith on the right (右边); Mrs. Smith on the left (左边) and two
                children in front of them.
Mr. Liu: Look, here is another (另一个) one, a dog. Its name is Tom.
Mr. Wang: Oh, I see. They must be very happy.
Mr. Liu: Yes. They are very happy.
      1____________ is 2____________ afternoon. Mr. Wang is at Mr. Liu's 3____________. They practice
English at this 4____________ 5____________ the day.
      Mr. Wang 6____________ a picture. 7____________ is a picture 8____________ Mr. 9____________
Family. 10____________ 11____________ five members. 12____________ of them is 13____________,
a 14____________.
      Mr. Smith 15____________ a happy family. 16____________ a happy family he 17____________!


Dear Amy,
      Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday. Now, let me tell you how to come:
1. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.
2. Take the No.17 bus.
3. Get off at the post office.
4. Walk east for three minutes.
5. Find the white building on the left.
6. Look for me near the door.
1. Sarah's birthday party is at ____________.
A. 6 am
B. 6 pm
C. 7 pm
2. Amy is one year older than Sarah. How old is Amy? ____________.
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
3. Sarah's home is ____________ of the post office.
A. west
B. east
C. north



from, to, of, off, at, in, with, on

1. I often play ____________ my dog.
2. Where does the rain come ____________?
3. What did you do ____________ your holiday?
4. The birds live ____________ the tree.
5. Take the No.1 bus. Get ____________ at the post office.
6. Turn left ____________ the museum.
7. The bookstore is in front ____________ the cinema.
8. She often listens ____________ music.


      One Sunday afternoon, Mr Green was walking in the park.  He  ①   for some time and   ②   a little tired. He
saw a chair   ③   the  big tree and wanted to sit down.  At this time he saw a woman was in front of him. So he
began to walk   ④   for fear that (害怕) the woman would   ⑤   the seat before   ⑥  .  At the same time the 
woman also started  ⑦   .  At last Mr Green   ⑧   the seat and was very happy. The woman ran after him and 
shouted, telling him not to sit on the chair.  Because the woman   ⑨  up with a notice board. It   ⑩   "WET
PAINT" (油漆未干) .
(     )①A. walking
(     )②A. feel   
(     )③A. on     
(     )④A. slower 
(     )⑤A. take       
(     )⑥A. her    
(     )⑦A. run    
(     )⑧A. took   
(     )⑨A. come   
(     )⑩A. say    
B. walked
B. feels 
B. in    
B. slow     
B. takes             
B. his   
B. runs  
B. take  
B. came  
B. said  
C. walks  
C. felt     
C. under  
C. fast     
C. took             
C. he      
C. ran     
C. takes    
C. comes    
C. says  
D. to walk  
D. feeling  
D. behind   
D. faster   
D. taking     
D. him     
D. to run   
D. taking  
D. coming     
D. saying

