( ) What’s he? C. He is my uncle 查看更多



1. What's your father?  He is a             .
[     ]
A. B.  C.
2. What's your mother?   She is a              .
[     ]
A.       B.       C.              
3. This is my uncle.  He is very             
[     ]
A.       B.    C.          
4. Li Dong is my brother.  He is a              .
[     ]
A.           B.           C.           


(     ) 1. Who is this girl?
(     ) 2. What's your uncle?
(     ) 3. Is she a nurse?
(     ) 4. Are they students?
(     ) 5. Where are they?
A. She is my sister.
B. They are in the kitchen.
C. No, they aren't.
D. He's a farmer.
E. Yes, she is.


(     ) 1. Who is your uncle's wife?
(     ) 2. What colour is his hair? 
(     ) 3. What do they speak in Australia?
(     ) 4. How does she go to work? 
(     ) 5. What do you like to do?
(     ) 6. Is Li Ming older or younger than his father?
A. I like to read books. 
B. He's younger.
C. My aunt.
D. English. 
E. It's brown.
F. She goes to work by bus.


(     ) 1. What's your mother? 
(     ) 2. Who is your aunt?
(     ) 3. What's he?
(     ) 4. Is this your brother? 
(     ) 5. Are they farmers?
(     ) 6. Do you like music?
(     ) 7. What would you like?
(     ) 8. Who's this man?
(     ) 9. How many people are there in your family?
(     ) 10. Who are they?                          
A. He is a doctor.
B. Yes, he is.
C. He is my uncle. 
D. She is a nurse.
E. No, I don't.
F. There are 7. 
G. They are my parents and me.
H. Yes, they are.
I. Miss White is my aunt.
J. I'd like some tea.


(     ) 1. Your name, please?
(     ) 2. What's his name?
(     ) 3. Are you Mr. Black?
(     ) 4. Is she her mother?
(     ) 5. Is he your uncle?
(     ) 6. Who's that girl?
(     ) 7. Who's this old man?
(     ) 8. Whose car is it?
(     ) 9. Where are the books?
(     ) 10. Do you like elephants?
A. Yes, I do.
B. They're on the desk.
C. It's my father's.
D. She's my English teacher.
E. Yes, she is.
F. My name is Kate.
G. Yes, he is.
H. He's my grandpa.
I. His name is Paul.
J. No, I am not.

