( )1. A. October first B. May fourth C. November fifth ( ) 2. A. June second B. May first C. August first ( )3.A. September tenth B. February first C. January first ( ) 4. A. September tenth B. July first C. June first 查看更多



将下列月份和序数词相匹配, 填在横线上。
a. January        b. April            c. June        d. February      e. March           f. May  
g. July             h. August         i. October     j. September    k. December      l. November
1. the first        2. the second   3. the third    4. thc fourth    5. the fifth         6. the sixth
7. the seventh   8. the eighth     9. the ninth   10. the tenth    11. the elevnth   12. the twelveth

