( ) 1. I have super at in the evening. A. 6:30 B. 6:00 C. 6:35 ( ) 2. is lunch? A. When B. What C. Where ( ) 3. Today is Monday, . A. June 13 B. June 14 C. June 15 ( ) 4. is the fifth day of the week. A.Sunday B. Thursday C. Tuesday ( ) 5. How’s the today? A. cloudy B. weather C. windy ( ) 6. Is this a day? A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy ( ) 7. The rain is . A. above B. under C. below ( ) 8. Spring Festival is in . A. January or February B. March or April C. May or June ( ) 9. The boy in red shorts is the . A. third B. second C. first ( ) 10. Are you ready for class? A. Chinese B. English C. math 查看更多



1. I have a _____ _____ (白色衬衫).
2. Where are ____    _____ (我的鞋)?
3. Amy is in the            _____ (教师办公室).
4. We have a            _____ (音乐课) at 10:00.
5. The            (图书馆) is on the second floor.
6. Is that            (你的) computer?
7. Let's            _____ (回家).
8. I like            _____ (语文课).
9. He has             _____ (7支钢笔).
10.            _____ (什么颜色) are your shorts?


1. I ____________ (have / has) a friend.
2. She ____________ (like / likes) music.
3. How many ____________ (book / books) do you have?
4. This is my ____________ (story book / story-book).
5. He has big ____________ (eyes/eye).
6. Let ____________ (me / I) clean the desks.
7. My schoolbag ____________ (is / are) heavy.
8. This is ____________ (his / he's) photo.
9. I ____________ (am / is) a boy.
10. Do you like apples? Yes, ____________ (I / he) do.


1. I have tofu and chicken on Tuesdays.(对划线部分提问) 
2. She likes strawberry.(改成否定句)
3. I don't like cake. Because it's sweet.(对划线部分提问)
4. My favourite food is tofu.(对划线部分提问)  


例: — What's the matter?
— I have a fever.
1. — ______________________________?
— I have ________________________.
2. — ______________________________?
— ______________________________.                                           


1. I have a new              .    
2. —Where is my book?    —It's near the             .    
3. Let's clean the             .     
4. Look! This is my                          .     
5. Look at the             . It's             .

