( ) 1. A. Let’s play football at the school. B. Shall we play football? C. Where do we play football? ( ) 2. A. Is this bus for Baima Park? B. Is bus No.2 for Baima Park? C. Is this No.2 bus? ( ) 3. A. There are some computers in our school. B. There is a computer in our school. C. There are many computers in our school. ( ) 4. A. I’ve got some nice pictures. B. Look at my nice pictures. C. This is my nice picture. ( ) 5. A. Come here, please. B. Have some apple juice, please. C. Come and drink some orange juice, please. ( ) 6. A. What would you like? B. How about you? C. What do you like? 查看更多



(     ) 1. What's the time?
(     ) 2. What do they do after school?
(     ) 3. When are you going to the hospital?
(     ) 4. Do you read newspapers?
(     ) 5. Shall we go to the museum?
(     ) 6. Is there a zoo in your town?
(     ) 7. How does your father go to work?
(     ) 8. Is your school far away from your home?
(     ) 9. What's the weather like tomorrow?
(     ) 10. Can you ride a bike?
A. Yes. I sometimes read newspapers.
B. He goes to work by car.
C. No, it isn't.
D. It's going to be snowy tomorrow. 
E. Yes, I can. 
F. It's ten o'clock.
G. I'm going to the hospital at three o'clock.               
H. No, there isn't.
I. They often play football.
J. OK. Let's go.


Steven: Hello! Do you go to school every day?  
Jenny: No, we go to school from Monday to Friday. 
Steven: What are you going to do this Sunday? 
Jenny: I'm going to go shopping. 
Steven: What about your sister, Lynn? 
Jenny: No, she isn't. She is going to fly a kite. 
Steven: Where is she now? 
Jenny: She is at home. 
Steven: Let's go and see her, shall we?
Jenny: Sure! Let's go.
1. Jenny goes to school               .
[     ]
A. on Monday                            
B. from Sunday to Saturday                
C. on Friday                               
D. from Monday to Friday
2. Jenny's sister is               .       
[     ]

A. Tom    
B. Steven   
C. Lynn   
D. I don't know

3. Lynn is                now.
[     ]
A. at school                               
B. at home                
C. in the park                           
D. in a store
4. Jenny is going to                this Sunday.
[     ]
A. go to school  
B. fly a kite
C. go shopping  
D. play football
5. Steven is going to                now.
[     ]
A. see Lynn                            
B. see Jenny  
C. fly a kite                                
D. go shopping

