( ) Is this bus for the station? J. By bike. 查看更多



Excuse me, is this bus ________ hospital?

[  ]


B.to the

C.for the



--Excuse me, is this bus ____ the theatre?

--Yes, it is.


(     )1.小小不喜欢购物,可以说:     
                 A. Xiao Xiao doesn't like going shopping.     
                 B. Xiao Xiao doesn't like go shopping.     
                 C. Xiao Xiao don't like go shop. 
(     )2.Kate有许多漂亮的衣服,可以说:     
                 A. Kate have many beautiful clothes.     
                 B. Kate has any beautiful colth.     
                 C. Kate has many beautiful clothes. 
(     )3.Jim上周去了农场,可以说:     
                 A. Jim goes to the farm last week.     
                 B. Jim is going to the farm.     
                 C. Jim went to the farm last week. 
(     )4.问对方是否每天看电视,可以问:     
                 A. Are you watch TV every day?     
                 B. Do you watching TV every day?     
                 C. Do you watch TV every day? 
(     )5.问对方这辆公交车是不是去火车站的,可以问:    
                A. Is this bus to the station?     
                B. Is this bus for the station?     
                C. Do this bus for the station?



A. No, you can take bus No. 5. It comes in every ten minutes.
B. Sorry, I am new here. You can go and ask the policeman.
C. Thank you. Let's hurry.
D. Excuse me, sir! Is this bus for the History Museum?
E. Mum, how can we go to the History Museum?
F. Look, a woman is taking photos over there. Let's go and ask her.
G. Excuse me, Miss! Where is the History Museum, please?
E  _____________  G  _____________  _____________  _____________  _____________



This is a picture of David's school. In the front of the school there is a playground. Beside the playground there is a bicycle shed(车棚).

School is over. All the boys and girls are going home. They are walking across the playground. There is a bus stop near the school. Some students are standing at the bus stop. A bus is coming.

David is in the bicycle shed. He is looking for his bicycle. There are many bicycles in the shed. This is not his bicycle. It is very old. That is not his bicycle, either. It is very dirty. His bicycle is new and clean. But where is it?

Ah! David can hear a noise. Bill is laughing behind the shed. David's bicycle is behind the shed, too.

Now David can ride his bicycle home.

1. The bicycle shed is ______ the playground.

   A. in front of B. beside C. behind

2. David goes home ______.

   A. on foot B. by bus C. by bicycle

3. David's bicycle is _____.

   A. old but clean B. new but dirty C. new and clean

4. Bill is David's ______.

   A. classmate B. father C. teacher

5. David's bicycle is not _____ the bicycle shed.

   A. inside B. beside C. outside

