s oon 2.so p 查看更多



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

What am I?

My name is May. I live in a small house with Ann and her mummy and daddy. I've got two legs and two arms. I've got long, yellow ________and brown eyes. I wear a beautiful dress and white ________I am very old. I can't read ________or speak. In the day,I   sit next to the ________   in Ann's bedroom. At night,  I sleep with Ann in her bed.


What am I?

I am a ________!



Say it with your partners(和你的小伙伴们一起说一说)

  B: Hello, Linda.

  G: Hello, Sam.

  B: How are you?

  G: I'm fine, thank you. And you?

  B: I'm fine, too.

  Oh, it's time for school.


  G: Good-bye.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  This is my hand.

  I can turn it, turn it, can you?

  These are my eyes.

  I can open them, open them, can you?

  This is my head,

  I can nod it, nod it, can you?

  These are my ears,

  I can touch them; touch them, can you?


Read and write T(rue)or F(alse).

Alice is tidying her bedroom.She often tidies her bedroom.She tidies it every day.She loves to live in a tidy room.She says she can't play in a messy room.But she doesn't often tidy her bookshelf.It's very messy.She can't find her books.She loves reading.Mary often tidies her room and bookshelf.She will help Alice tidy her bookshelf.Then they can choose some books and read them together.


Alice is tidying her classroom.

(  )


She often tidies her bedroom.

(  )


She likes a tidy room.

(  )


Alice's bookshelf is tidy, too.

(  )


Mary doesn't often tidy her room.

(  )


Her room is messy.

(  )


Alice will help Mary tidy her room and bookshelf.

(  )


Then they will read some books together.

(  )


Do it as you say(小朋友,请边说边做)

  Book, book. Pencil, pencil.

  Where is my book? Where is my pencil?

  It's on my head. It's between two books.

  Eraser, eraser. Crayon, crayon.

  Where is my eraser? Where is my crayon?

  It's next to my ruler. It's in my pencil-box.

