( ) What are these ? F. They are my mother’ s . 查看更多



(     )1. What is that?             
(     )2. How old is Mary?         
(     )3. What can you hear?       
(     )4. What color are the flowers?
(     )5. What do you like?         
(     )6. What are these?           
(     )7. Who's she?               
(     )8. How does the pineapple feel?
A. We like skateboards.      
B. It is rough.              
C. They are bananas.        
D. She is my mother.        
E. It is a bicycle.          
F. I can hear a telephone.  
G. They are yellow and pink.
H. She is ten.              


Read and answer. (找答语,将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号里。)
(     )1. Welcome to our school.        
(     )2. How much is the nice shirt?    
(     )3. Is this a teacher’s desk?    
(     )4. What are these?                
(     )5. What time is it?              
(     )6. How old are you?              
(     )7. Let’s go to the playground.  
(     )8. How many cows do you havew?    
(     )9. What’s the weather like today?
(     )10. Whose dresses are those?      
A. It’s 7 o’clock.      
B. Thirty yuan.            
C. Great!                  
D. I’m eleven.            
E. It’s sunny.            
F. They are my mother’s.                                           
G. Thank you.              
H. They are hens.          
I. Yes,it is.              
J. I have nine.            

