This is a desks. 查看更多



      This is a picture. It's a picture of the classroom. It is a big room. In the picture, you can see the teacher's
desk, six desks, six chairs and a blackboard. You can see a boy and two girls, too.
      Two books are on the teacher's desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and a ruler are in the pencil
case. A bag is behind a chair. Two cats are on the blackboard.
      The boy is Jim. He is nine.
      The girl in a hat is Lily. She is eight. The other girl is Sue. She is eight, too. The girls are twins. They are in
Class 2, Grade 5. Their teacher is Mr. Green. He is not here.
(     ) 1. This is a picture of a big classroom.
(     ) 2. You can see two boys and a girl.
(     ) 3. There are four books and a pencil case on the teacher's desk.
(     ) 4. The bag is behind a chair.
(     ) 5. Lily's teacher is in the picture, too.


      This is our classroom. It's not big, but it's very nice. The walls are 1___________ and the desks and chairs
are new. On the wall there is a 2___________ and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou in it. There are
some 3___________ on the teacher's desk. They are for our 4___________, MissGao. She is a good teacher and
we all like her.
      I'm on 5___________ today. I come to school early. I help my teacher 6___________ her books, maps 
and pictures on her 7___________. I tell her everyone is here. But I'm 8___________. Liu Mei is not at
9___________. I don't know 10___________ she is. But I think she's at home.
(     ) 1. A. old  
(     ) 2. A. map  
(     ) 3. A. games
(     ) 4. A. friend
(     ) 5. A. line 
(     ) 6. A. know 
(     ) 7. A. desk 
(     ) 8. A. good 
(     ) 9. A. there
(     ) 10. A. what
B. same
B. clock
B. numbers
B. daughter
B. duty
B. find 
B. bike 
B. young
B. home    
B. which     
C. fine
C. kite
C. flowers
C. mother
C. turn
C. put 
C. chair
C. right
C. table
C. where    
D. white
D. photo
D. lights
D. teacher
D. time 
D. give
D. floor
D. wrong                                                     
D. school
D. how   


     This is the twins' (双胞胎的) bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same.
This bed is Lily's and that one is Lucy's. The twins have one and two chairs. Their clock.
books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind  (在…后面)  the chairs.
Some nice flowers are on the desk. Some nice pictures (照片) are on the wall. Is there a kite?
Yes,  it's under Lily's bed.  The bedroom is very nice.
(     )  1.  There is one bed in the twins' bedroom.
(     )  2.  They have two desks and two chairs.
(     )  3.  There is a clock on the desk.
(     )  4.  The kite is on the wall.
(     )  5. The twins' bedroom is very nice.


Look and read. Write “T” or “F”.


(1)This is a classroom. ________

(2)There is a pen on the teacher's desk. ________

(3)The clock is on the blackboard. ________

(4)There are two desks and two chairs in the classroom. ________

(5)There are some children in the classroom. ________


       This is a classroom. It's our new classroom. There are some desks and chairs in it. There is a fish bowl 
near the window. There are some flowers on the teacher's desk. The teacher's desk is near the door. There is
a blackboard on the wall. It's big and nice. We like our new classroom very much.      
(     ) 1. This is our classroom.      
(     ) 2. There is a computer in the classroom.      
(     ) 3. There is a blackboard on the wall.      
(     ) 4. The teacher's desk is near the window.      
(     ) 5. The blackboard is big and nice.

