What do you do ( ) Sunday? [ A on B in C at D under ] 查看更多




Jenny wants to participate, but she doesn't know ____ in the show.

A. how to do  B. what to do  C. to do what



(  )1.What time is it?

A.It’s seven thirty.

B.It’s eleven thirty.

(  )2.What time do you eat dinner?

A.I eat dinner at six fifteen.

B.I eat dinner at six forty-five.

(  )3.A.It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go home.

B.It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go to school.

(  )4.A.It’s five thirty.It’s time to watch TV.

B.It’s five fifteen.It’s time to play football.


Look at the picture and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Kitty and Jack Walt were playing in the street when they saw a man. He was carrying a big envelope in his hand and he walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The man gave it to their father.


(1)Where were Kitty and Jack playing? ________

(2)Whom was the letter to? ________

(3)Who walked into their house? ________

  Their father opened the letter and looked very happy.

  “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!”

  “What's this?” Kitty and Jack asked.

  “We've won a prize.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!”

  “We are going to stay in a hotel in Paris and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only 4 tickets to get there!”

(4)How did the father look when he read the letter? ________

(5)What have they won for the prize? ________

(6)Where are they going to live in Paris? ________

(7)What else do they need for the holiday? ________



--What are you going to do tomorrow?

--I am    (go)    (shop).


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Colours, colours.

  What colour do you like?

  I like red, you like purple.

  She likes yellow, he likes blue.

  They like black, we like white.

  Like, like.

  What colour do you like?

