yes active strict boy Mr short thin young 查看更多



Read and choose the correct picture(读一读,选出正确的图)

G:Where is Peter? Is he in the park?

B:Yes, he is.

G:What's he doing in the park? Swimming?

B:No, he is riding a bike in the park.

A.  B.  C.



--Is he s    ?

--Yes. I can't see his eyes.


Read and fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs in brackets

  “What are you looking at?” I asked my mother. She was looking out of the window. “A car has just stopped outside our house.” my mother answered, “Someone ________(get) out of the car. It's your Aunt Nancy. She always visits us at the wrong time. She never ________(phone) us before coming. Now she ________(walk) to our front door.”

  “And now she ________(ring) the bell!” I said when the front doorbell rang loudly.

  My mother and I opened the front door and said “hello” to Aunt Nancy warmly.

  “Are you going out?” Aunt Nancy asked.

  “Yes,” my mother answered, “We ________(wait) for a taxi.”

  “Where are you going?” asked Aunt Nancy.

  “We ________(go) to visit you!” my mother said.

  “You never phone me before coming!” said Aunt Nancy.

  Answer the following questions according to the story above

(1)Who came to visit?


(2)Did she phone before she was going to come?


(3)Did she go to the front or the back door?





--Do you know what place is north of this map?

--Yes, I know ! The ____ is north of this map.

A. Hospital   B. School   C. Park



--Hey! Let's dance!

--Yes! Let's ____! This is fun!

A. dance   B. play  C. sing

