a, doctor, father, his, is, (. ) 查看更多



     Bobby is Mr Brown's young son. Mr Brown loves him very much. Now he's talking to his friend
about Bobby.
     "The boy is only two years old." Mr Brown says. "And he knows all animals. He is going to be a
great naturalist (他将成为一个伟大的自然科学家). Here, let me show you."
     He takes a book, puts Bobby on his knee (膝盖), opens the book and shows him a picture of a
     "What's this, Bobby?" "Horse." Bobby answers (回答).
      Mr Brown shows a picture of a lion, and Bobby says, "Dog."
     Then Mr Brown shows him a picture of a chimpanzee (大猩猩), Bobby  says, "Dad."
1. Bobby is Mr Brown's _____.      
A. friend        
B. son    
C. daughter      
D. father
2. Bobby is _____.     
A. two          
B. three      
C. four      
D. five
3. Now Mr Brown is talking to _____ about his young son.     
A. his friend      
B. his sons    
C. his mother    
D. his teachers
4. Mr Brown says Bobby is going to be a _____.
A. teacher        
B. doctor    
C. student      
D. naturalist


      Mr White works in a factory. He is very busy. Sometimes he has to work on Saturdays 
and Sundays. So his daughter Mabel asks him to take her to the zoo, he can't.
      " I'm sorry, my dear," says Mr White, " I have some work to do. Go to see the 
animals with your mother. I'm going to take you there next weekend." But he usually 
forgets his promise. It makes the little girl unhappy. She asks, " What does my Daddy do, 
Mummy? " " He mends machines in a factory," answers Mrs White.
      There are pandas on show in the zoo. Mabel sees them only on TV. She likes them 
very much. So she asks her father to go there again. The man has to say sorry to her. 
On the way to the zoo, the girl asks, " What does my father do at work? " This time she 
gets the same answer. She says angrily, " Why doesn't he stop the men from breaking the 
1. Mr White is a ______________.
[     ]
A. farmer
B. doctor 
C. teacher
D. worker
2. Mr White has no time, so ______________.              
[     ]
A. he can't go to the zoo with his family
B. he doesn't like to go to the zoo
C. he has to stay at home all the time
D. he doesn't like his daughter 
3. The word " promise " means ____________.
[     ]
A. 流言
B. 谎言
C. 忠言
D. 诺言
4. ____________, so the girl is unhappy.
[     ]
A. Mr White says sorry to Mabel
B. Mr White can't keep his promise
C. Mr White is usually in the factory
D. Mr White can only mend machines
5. Which of the following is right?
[     ]
A. The men often break the machines.
B. Mr White can't mend machines.
C. Mabel thinks the men often break machines.
D. Mr White doesn't stop the men from breaking the machines.


      Hello! My name is Bill. Come and meet my family! This is my mother. She has long hair and she likes
reading. My father is tall. He is a great doctor. He likes baseball. I'm a student. I am twelve. I have many
friends and some good teachers. Look! Here's my cat. Her name is Mimi. She likes fish.
1. How many people are there in Bill's family?
2. What is Bill's father?
3. Does Bill's mother like reading?
4. How old is Bill?
5. What's the name of his cat?



My father is a ____. This is his dress.

A. doctor B. teacher C. driver


1. many,   How,   people,   are,   in,   there,   family,   his  (?)
2. Look,   is,   That,   aunt,   Bill's  (!) 
3. father,   My,   a,   is,   doctor  (.) 
4. are,   they,   Who   (?)  
5. and,   Come,   my,   meet,   family  (!)

