these 2.postman 3. who 4. thin 5. walkman 6. teachers 7. which 8. you’re right 9. in the bus 10. come here 查看更多



Listen and complete the sentences.(听课本第10页的录音,填一填)

1)Lingling usually ________ ________ at half past six on Mondays.

But she ________ get up at half past six yesterday.

2)She usually ________ ________ ________.

But she ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

3)She usually ________ ________ and ________.

But she ________ ________ these things yesterday.

4)Yesterday was ________ ________!Lingling ________ ________ and ________ with ________ ________.


Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line.

There is one example.


   a library            a map


   blankets           a bookcase


  a playground           towels


  homework           a park


You put your books in this at home. bookcase


1.This helps you find the right road.   ________

2.You can play here between lessons.   ________

3.You go to this place to choose books.   ________

4.You put these on your bed on cold nights.   ________

5.You need one of these after a bath.   ________

6.You do this after school for your teacher  ________


Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line.

There is one example.


 a sandwich         CDs


  videos          a whale


  a dolphin          soup


  coffee          a shark


This is the biggest animal in the world. a whale


1.You can listen to music with these. ________

2.We can watch these at home at the weekend. ________

3.On cold days it is good to have a hot bowl of this. ________

4.People are afraid of this animal, which lives in the sea. ________

5.Some people drink this hot, with milk and sugar. ________

6.Put butter and cheese between bread and you have one of these. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct word and write them on the lines.

There is one example.






This place has a lot of money in it.      a bank


1.This can take you to the top floor quickly. ________

2.This room is under a house. ________

3.You can walk up or down these. ________

4.You can go and see a film here. ________

5.You can read books in this place, but you can't buy them. ________

6.You can go and see a lot of animals here. ________


Read the passage and answer the following questions

  Which animals do we need most? Dogs? Cats? Horses? No! The answer to the question is cows.

  Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our most important(重要的)kinds of food.

  If all the milk cows make in one year is put into bottles, and if these bottles are put side by side(并排放), the line of bottles will go around the world 4,000 times!

  That is a lot of milk. Less than half of it is used for drinking and cooking. Most of it is used to make butter, cheese, ice cream and many other things.

  Now cows give more milk than before. Why? The farmers have got better cows. The cows get better care(照料)and better food.

(1)What animals are the important ones?

[  ]


(2)How much milk is used for drinking and cooking?

[  ]

A.Half of it.

B.Less than half of it.

C.Most of it.

D.More than half of it.

(3)Can milk be used to make ice cream?

[  ]

A.Not sure.
D.Not be told.

