星期.周 A.work B.desk C.week D.marker 查看更多




星期________  周________  星期五________

星期日________ 家庭________ 星期一________



星期________  周________  星期五________

星期日________ 家庭________ 星期一________


Fill in the blanks with “at, on, in, during, from, to”

  ________ summer we usually go to the seaside. We began going there in 1986 when I was still a small boy, and now we go there every year. We have to book(预订)early because the hotels are always full in July and August during the school holidays.

  We always follow the same schedule every day. ________ the morning, we get up ________ 8 o'clock. Then we have breakfast ________ 9:00. We spend three hours, about 9:30 ________ about 12:30, at the beach. At 12:30 we go back to the hotel and rest ________ the afternoon. In the evenings, we usually go out.

  This year we're going to the seaside ________ August Sth and we will be away in September. We will return home ________ Friday, September 7th. At the moment, we are still ________ January, so it is about six months before the holidays arrive. I can't wait!



There      (be not) a dog under the table yesterday.

There      (be) one today.


Read and fill in the blanks with the words given

Who  What  Whose

Susan has many big and small toys.

A.________ does Susan have?

B.She has many toys.

A.________ toys are they?

B.They are Susan's toys.

A.________ has many toys?


