( ) 1.A. mum B. mother C. father ( ) 2.A. pencil B. pen C. purple 3.( )A. look B. book C. sick ( ) 4.A. above B. five C. seven ( ) 5.A. seventy B. sixty C. fifty ( ) 6.A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday ( ) 7.A. sock B. skirt C. shirt ( ) 8.A.ball B. doll C. below ( ) 9.A. gym B. classroom C. arm ( ) 10.A. old B. cold C. coat 查看更多




1.a cup of tea 2.a box of milk 3.an egg

4.some cakes 5.an ice-cream 6.a glass of orange juice

7.a hamburger 8.a cup of coffee

Eat(吃) ________ ________ ________ ________

Drink(喝) ________ ________ ________ ________


Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).(听课本第38页的录音,判断句子正误.在正确的句子前面写“T”,错误的写“F”)

(  )1)Daming and Simon are in a beautiful park.

(  )2)Simon and his mum often come to the park.

(  )3)Daming is hungry and Simon is thirsty.

(  )4)Mum forgot to bring any drinks.

(  )5)They want to buy some drinks.

(  )6)The water in the park is very clean.

(  )



  Sue:Hi, Daniel.I need your advice.I lost (丢失)a book.

  Daniel:That too bad.Whose book is it?

  Sue:I borrowed (借) from the library of our school.What shall I do?

  Daniel:You should tell your teacher.

  Sue:I can’t tell my teacher.It’s a new book.She will be angry.

  Daniel:Maybe you can tell mum.She will help you.

  Sue:Ok, I’ll try.


Sue lost a new bag

(  )


Sue borrowed the book from Daniel

(  )


Daniel gave Sue some advices.

(  )


Sue can’t tell her teacher.

(  )


Sue will tell her mum.

(  )


Read the postcard and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Dear Pat,

Example: It was my birthday last      

1.Saturday and I went ________the circus with my mum and dad. first we

2.saw the elephants and then ________ was a football game with ten dogs. I liked the

3.clowns more ________anything else, and I laughed a lot. A woman also played with

4.two tigers ________a lion. I was afraid because it looked very dangerous. At the end, five horses danced to some music, which was

5.very good. I ________like to go to the circus again next year! Love from Sally


Look at the picture, and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  My name is Lily. I've got only a sister-Mary. Last night, I played with my doll after supper. Mary watched TV in the sofa. My mum was tired so she was sitting in the armchair. My father was washing bowls and cleaning. the kitchen. Mum said to us, “Girls, it's time to go to bed. Let your father take you upstairs.” We weren't tired and didn't want to sleep so early. Mary and I went up the stairs to our bedroom very slowly.


(1)Where was Mary? ________

(2)Why was Lily's mother in the armchair? ________

(3)Which room was their father in? ________

(4)What did Mum want the girl to do? ________

  Upstairs in, our room, we asked Dad to tell us a story. Mary showed Dad a comic book about sea animals. But I didn't want that. I wanted a story about land animals. So Dad chose a story about a bird looking for its mum.

(5)Where were the children? ________

(6)Did Mary and Lily like the same or different story? ________

(7)What did Mary show to Dad? ________

(8)What kind of story did Dad choose at last? ________

  Dad started the story. The story was very interesting. We listened and laughed. We felt tired and our eyes closed slowly. Dad put a blanket on us and kissed us and then went quietly downstairs.

(9)How was the story? ________

(10)How did Dad go downstairs? ________

