学生 8.动物园 9游戏 查看更多



Listen and write.(听学生用书第38页的录音,写一写)

     Amy:Mum, Tom is making a ________.

   Ms Smart:Tom, you ________ play with the CDs!

     Tom:Sorry, Mum.

   Ms Smart:And you shouldn't take the books off the shelves.

     Tom:I know.Sorry.

   Ms Smart:Tom, you ________ tidy your toys.

    Lingling:We'll help you, Tom.

     Tom:Thanks, Lingling.

   Ms Smart:Ahh.The room is ________ now.What a ________ boy!

     Tom:Yes.I'm a good boy now.

   Ms Smart:And thanks for your ________, girls.

Amy and Lingling:You're welcome.



My name is Mary.This is my family photo.This is my father.He’s very tall.He’s a teacher(教师).This is my mother.Her hair is short.She’s a teacher, too.She is teaching English(教英语)in our(我们的)school.Tom is my brother.His eyes are brown.We are in the same(同一)school.I have a dog.It’s name is Bobby.It’s white and black.It’s very nice.We are good friends.


Mary is a student(学生).

(  )


Tom is Mary’s brother.

(  )


Mary’s mother’s hair is long.

(  )


Mary and Tom are in different(不同的)schools.

(  )


Bobby is Mary’s cat’s name.

(  )


Time to relax

  Mary:Doctor, I can't sleep.

  Doctor:Did you try counting?

  Mary:Yes, I did.

  Doctor:Then you fell asleep?

  Mary:No, then it was morning.


Read and choose:True or False (T or F)

  Ted has a beautiful parrot. Every day Ted speaks to it, “Hello!” and the parrot says, “Hello!”

  “What are you doing?” says Ted.

  “What are you doing?” says the parrot.

  One day a thief came in. He stole(偷) things from the house. When he was leaving, he heard a voice(声音), “What are you doing?” The thief was afraid and dropped(扔掉) the things and ran away quickly. In fact, it was the parrot who frightened(惊吓) the thief away.

The parrot can say, “What are you doing?”

(  )

Parrot is a bird which can speak.

(  )

The parrot knew the thief.

(  )

Ted said, “What are you doing?” when the thief was leaving.

(  )


Say it and do it(说说做做)

  Put a ruler on your head.

  Put a book under your desk.

  Put a cat between your two chairs.

  Put a pencil in your hand.

