( ) 1. A. uw B. qw C. uq ( ) 4. A. 30 B. 13 C. 31 ( ) 2. A. air B. iar C. rai ( ) 5. A. 345 B. 543 C. 645 ( ) 3. A. SXY B. FXS C. FSX ( ) 6. A. 9871 B. 9781 C. 6789 7.( ) A.MNOP B. NMOP C.MNQP ( ) 8. A. 6349 B. 6579 C. 6538 ( ) 9. A. AJHK B. HJKA C. HGKA ( ) 10. A. 7458 B. 9548 C. 7549 查看更多




A: Excuse me. I'm going to the museum. Do you know ____1___it is?

B: It's ____2____ the People's Square. It's far ____3____here. You can ____4____ the underground to get there.

A: ____5____ the underground station?

B: Look, it's between the shop and the hospital.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You are welcome.

1. A. what       B. where      C. how

2. A. near       B. in       C. to

3. A. from       B. with       C. at

4. A. have       B. get       C. take

5. A. When       B. Where     C. What


Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers.



What is the father doing?  telling a story

Where are they?  in the zoo

1.Who are looking at the monkeys?  father and a ________

2.How many monkeys are there under the tree? ________

3.What's the monkey doing in the tree?  eating a ________


4.What is the boy doing now?  flying a ________

5.Where is the girl now?  in the ________



A: Hello, my name is Tom. I'm ____1___ here.

B: Nice to ____2____ you, Tom. I'm Kate.

A: ____3____ class are you in?

B: I'm in Class One. Are you in Class One, ____4____?

A: Yes, we are in the same class. ____5____ classes are there in Grade Six?

B: Seven classes.

1. A. new       B. young      C. old

2. A. look       B. watch      C. see

3. A. Whose     B. Which      C. Where

4. A. two       B. too       C. to

5. A. How much    B. How many    C. How old



--____ team won?

--Our team won. It's 3 to 1.

A. When   B. What  C. Whose



1.A.eye B.hair C.head

2.A.clock B.colour C.camera

3.A.pineapple B.mango C.watermelon

4.A.a copybook B.a bookmark C.a notebook

5.A.come in B.come down C.come here


1.Wang Bing is a ________.

Nancy is a ________.

Miss Li is a ________.

2.The man is a ________.

3.The woman is a ________.

4.The man is a ________.


1.A.woman worker Walkman

B.worker woman Walkman

C.Walkman worker woman

2.A.thin think thank

B.thank thin think

C.think thin thank

3.A.these those these

B.these those there

C.these there those

4.A.black clock sock

B.clock black sock

C.sock clock black


1.A.He’s my uncle.

B.He’s in the car.

C.He’s Mike.

2.A.Yes, he is.

B.Yes, she is.

C.Yes, they are.

3.A.No, thanks.

B.Yes, you like.

C.My brother likes.

4.A.I’m 31.

B.I’m tired.

C.I’m a cook.

5.A.16 yuan, please.

B.Some cake, please.

C.Here you are


-Excuse me, ________ that man over there?

-________ one?

-The one in the white ________.

-Oh, he’s my ________.

-________ ________ ________?

-He is a ________.

-________ ________ is he?About fifty?


-He looks so young!

