It’s time get up. B.for 查看更多



It's time            get up.            
[     ]
A. to        
B. at        
C. for


It's time             get up.
[     ]
A. to    
B. for    
C. at


                                                                 Tom Is Late          
     It's 7:30 on Monday morning. It's time for Tom to go to school, Classes begin at 7:40, Tom is still 
(仍旧)  in his room. His mother says, "Hurry, Tom. You must be quick or you'll be late." "Mum, where's
 my pencil-box? I can't find it. I can't go to school without (没有) my pencil-box", cries Tom.            
     Look at Tom's room. What a mess! His books are lying all over the room. His football socks are 
on the desk. A kite and soccer clothes are on his bed. Tom's mother comes to help him. She asks Tom 
to put his books away and Tom's pencil-box is under the books on the floor.       
     "You must look after your things, Tom," says his mother.
1. It's 7:30.  It's time for Tom to      __.                 
A. get up                      
B. go home
C.  go to school      
D.  go to play football             
2. With out        _. Tom can't go to school.
A.  the socks  
B.  the pencil-box  
C. the kite    
D. the books
3.  Tom's _        is in a mess.            
A. room      
B. classroom    
C. bed        
D. schoolbag
4. Tom's pencil-boxes                       
A. on the books            
B. in his bag
C.  under the clothes            
D.  under the books
5. Tom's mother comes to      _ .                        
A. play with him                
B. help him.
C. put his books away              
D. put his kite away


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers.


Yesterday, Kim's family went to arestaurant for dinner. Their little daughter Emma was playing after she finished the meal. Suddenly she put a metal bowl on her head and shouted, “Look, Mom, do I look like a a fireman?” Dad said, “Emma, please take it off. Everybody is looking at you.” Emma tried to take it off, but it didn't move. Her dad couldn't get it off either. Mom asked for help. One of

1.the women sitting in the________heard her shouting and ran to the table. She pulled very hard, but she couldn't make it. Emma

2.started to________She didn't want to wear her hat now. At that time, another man came to help. He pulled the bowl, and suddenly it

3.came off. “You are very________”Emma said, “Well done!” Emma thanked them and picked up the bowl and threw it into a bin.

4.She said “Mom. It was so hot in the bowl, and felt________”.

5.Everyone looked at her and ________.

6.What's the best name for this story? Choose the best name and tick one box.

[  ]

A.Waiting for Dinner.

B.Emma's Hat.

C.The Man Helps Emma.


(     ) 1. I can only play on the morning.       ________________
                     A       B   C  
(     ) 2. Where are you going to?          ________________
                 A                   B   C  
(     ) 3. We are finding for food.           ________________
              A    B      C  
(     ) 4. Do your mother go to work by bike?           ________________
              A                             B          C
(     ) 5. She usually goes to the bed at nine o'clock.  ________________
              A                         B         C
(     ) 6. It's time for get up.           ________________
                    A    B     C 
(     ) 7. Lucy eats the dinner at ten.       ________________
                      A         B          C
(     ) 8. My watch is broke.           ________________
                       A   B    C
(     ) 9. He goes out and his family.       ________________
             A       B        C    
(     ) 10. We don't go to school in Sunday.    ________________
                      A            B        C

