What's her job ? H. Some watermelons, please . 查看更多



Dear Liu Yun,
      I'm happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Australia. I like swimming, diving, and riding my bike. My twin
sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. I like sports, but she likes art. We look the same, but we
don't like the same things. Tell me something about you: What's your hobby?
                                     Your new pen pal,
1. What is Alice's hobby?
2. What is her twin sister's hobby?
3. Does Alice live in China?
4. Does Alice's sister like art?
5. Where does Alice's sister live?


(     ) 1. A. What's your name?
     B. What's her name?
(     ) 2. A. This is a boy.
     B. This is a girl.
(     ) 3. A. What's this?
     B. Where is it?
(     ) 4. A. Open the door.
     B. Close the door.
(     ) 5. A. What colour is it?
     B. Who is it?
(     ) 6. A. What is she doing?
     B. What is he doing?
(     ) 7. A. How do you feel?
     B. What's the matter?


(     ) 1. A. What's he wearing?
     B. What's she wearing?
(     ) 2. A. It's nice.
     B. They're nice.
(     ) 3. A. Is it new?
     B. Is it old?
(     ) 4. A. Whose housecoat is this?
     B. Whose coat is this?
(     ) 5. A. Is it her sweater?
     B. Is it his sweater?
(     ) 6. A. Put on your coat.
     B. Put on your skirt.


(     ) 1. A. May I speak to him?
    B. May I speak to her?
    C. May I speak to Helen?
(     ) 2. A. Brother is listening to music. 
    B. Sister is cooking dinner.
    C. Mother is writing an e-mail.
(     ) 3. A. There's a call for you.
    B. There's a gift for you.
    C. There's a cake for you.
(     ) 4. A. What's he doing?
    B. What's your mother doing?
    C. What's Lily doing?


What’s your name?

[  ]

A.My name is Ken.

B.This is Mocky.

