Is he in the study? E. Yes, they are. 查看更多



(     ) 1. I'd like some fish, please.
(     ) 2. Yes, please. 
(     ) 3. Yes, I do. 
(     ) 4. Yes, here you are. 
(     ) 5. No, they aren't. 
(     ) 6. Soup and fish.
(     ) 7. Yes, she is. 
(     ) 8. No, he isn't. 
(     ) 9. It's on the plate.
(     ) 10. I can see a window, a bed and a desk.
A. What can you see in the room?
B. Where is the chicken?
C. What would you like?
D. What's for dinner?
E. Can I help you?
F. Can I have some fish?
G. Do you like milk?
H. Is he in the kitchen?
I. Is she in the study?
J. Are they on the table?      

