It’s today. 2.I want an . 3.This shirt is OK , but it’s too . 4.These are my . 5.My skirt is . 查看更多





Where do the doctors work? office



Man: Hello.

John: Hello. Can I speak to Chen Jie, please?

Man: Sure. Hold on, please. She's doing homework.

Chen: Hello.

John: Hi. This is John.

Chen: Hi, John. What are you doing?

John: My family is having a field trip.

Chen: Really? That's fun. What is your father doing?

John: Guess.

Chen: Is he taking pictures?

John: Yes, he is.

Chen: Is your mother listening to music?

John: No, she isn't. She's playing chess.

Chen: What is your brother doing?

John: He's having a picnic.

Chen: Have fun.

John: Thank you. Talk to you later.

Chen: Bye.

Is John's father taking pictures? ( )

Is John's mother listening to music? (  )

Is John's brother having a picnic? (  )


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  I like, I like. I like yellow.

  What does she like?

  She likes, she likes.

  She likes blue.

  What does he like?

  White, white. He likes white.




Go straight on. _____ turn left.

A. Then   B. When   C. But


Read the dialogue and answer the questions

  Girl:What can I do for you?

  Man:f m looking for a pair of black shoes.

  Girl:What size do you want?

  Man:Size nine.

  Girl:f m afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've only got brown ones. What about those shoes over there?

  Man:Well, that pair looks nice. How much do they cost?

  Girl:Eighty Yuan.

  Man:Hmm. That's a bit expensive. But I'm still going to buy them.

(1) Where did this dialogue happen?


(2) What did the man want to buy?


(3)What size did the man want?


(4)What colour shoes did the girl show to the man?


