like, to, likes, computer, to, books, read, I, he, play, on, the, but 查看更多




I like to l_____ to m_____.



I'd like to l_____ to m_____.


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Do you like to watch whales swimming in the sea? Most people d________, I think. Many people think that whales are f________. In fact they are not fish; they are the biggest animals in the world. But they live in the w________. They swim very fast and can stay under the water for a long time. Of course they also n________ air. This is why they sometimes come out of water. Whales can't l________ in rivers, but in seas or oceans.


Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 看图填空。
l. We like to             with a skipping              after school.
2. These are              . I like to              them.
3. —             do you like to eat?    
    —I like to eat eggs and               .
4. —Would you like some              ?          
    —            , please.


1. My birthday is in J______________ in winter.
2. Her mother goes to work on f______________.
3. How can I g______________ to the bookstore?
4. I have a n______________ schoolbag.
5. She went f______________ yesterday.
6. Wang Tao teaches English. He is a t______________.
7. What would you like for l______________?
8. W______________ colour is it?
9. What did you do on your h______________?
10. I have a sore t______________.

