is,for,some,here,water,you(.) 5. basketball,play,and,go,Let’s(.) 6. bus,driver,a,sister,my,is(.) 7. in,Liu Tao,blue,is,a,coat(.) 七.按要求改写句子.每空一词(10%) 1. The man is Mr Green. the man? 2. I’m an English teacher.(改为一般问句.并作否定回答) you an English teacher? No, not. 3. What’s his job? jobs? 4. My brother is twelve. is your brother? 5. The girl in red is Helen. is Helen? 八.根据短文内容判断下列句子.对的用T表示.错的用F表示.(5%) A: Welcome to my home. B: Ben, is that your family’s photo? A: Yes, it is. It’s a new photo. B: Who’s that man? A: He’s my father. He’s a worker. He’s forty now. B: Is the woman in white your mother? A: No, she’s my aunt. She’s a good teacher. She’s about thirty. B: Is she your mother? A: Yes, she is my mother. She’s a doctor. She’s thirty-five. B: Is the girl your sister? A: Yes, she is in our school. She’s eleven. I’m five years older than her. B: She’s pretty. A: Thank you. 1. It’s a photo of Ben’s family. 2. The photo is old but nice. 3. Ben’s father is a worker. 4. Ben’s mother is a good teacher. 5. Ben’s sister is sixteen. 查看更多




Is there _____ (some/ any) mail for me?



  Tony:Hi, Kent.I need your advice.I played with my daddy’s watch this morning and I broke it.

  Kent:That’s too bad.How did you break it?

  Tony:It fell(落下) to the ground from my hand.Then it broke.

  Kent:You should tell you father.It is an accident.He’ll understand.

  Tony:I can’t tell him.He told me I shouldn’t play with his watch.

  Kent:Maybe you can tell you mother.She will explain to you daa.

  Tony:Ok, that’s a good idea.I’ll try it.


Tony has a problem.He broke his daddy’s watch.

(  )


Kent asks Tony for some advice.

(  )


Kent says Tony shouldn’t tell his father.

(  )


Tony can play his daddy’s watch after doing homework.

(  )


1. your, move, please, knee (.)
2. mouth, open, please, your (.)
3. my, hurt, arm (.)
4. have, you, stay, home, to, at (.)
5. you, head, can, your, lower (?)
6. will, lessons, help, I, you, English, with, your (.)
7. cherries, you, here, for, some, are (.)
8. is, lamb, where, the (?)
9. calf, there, nearby, a, is (.)
10. that, a, cub, lion, is (?)


1. are, those, our, not, coats (.)
2. today, it, very, is, cold (.) 
3. this, whose, toy, is, bear (?) 
4. is, SuHai's, black, skirt, white, and (.) 
5. you, do, any, have, books, story (?) 
6. some, is, for, her, there, bread (.)


1. your , move , please , knee(.)
2. mouth , open , please , your(.)
3. my , hurt , arm(.)
4. have , you , stay , home , to , at(.)
5. you , head , can , your , lower(?)
6. will , lessons , help , I , you , English , with , your(.)
7. cherries , you , here , for , some , are(.)
8. is , lamb , where , the(?)
9. calf , there , nearby , a , is(.)
10. that , a , cub , lion , is(?)

