Ⅰ. Listen and number. 听.标序号. ( ) ( ) Ⅱ. Tick out the words you hear. 给你所听到的词打勾. 1.radio 2.fifteen 3.doll 4.twelve 4.keyboard Ⅲ. Listen to sentences and number the pictures. 听句子.标序号. ( ) ( ) Written Part 听力部分 Ⅰ.I can write the following words and sentences. 我会写下列单词与句子. 1. fifteen table litter keyboard CD 2. No parking. This is a ball. Ⅱ. I can complete the following individual words and match. 我能补充完整下列个别单词.并连线. t levision comp ter Don’t l tter. robot kite cass tte t ble car thirt n book 禁止乱扔垃圾. 风筝 磁带 电脑 小轿车 书本 13 电视机 机器人 桌子 Ⅲ. I can calculate. 我会计算.(将正确得数的字母代号填入括号中) 10+10= 9+8= 50-35= A. fifteen B. eleven C. twenty D. fourteen E. twelve F. seventeen Ⅳ. Read and check (√). 读一读.将正确的选项打勾. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅴ. I can reorganize the words into right questions and answers, according to the pictures. 我能重组下列单词使成为正确的问句和答句. 1. much How is the desk? ¥50 is It. 2. this What is ? a is table It . 查看更多




  A young man and an old man are walking in the park. The old man is behind the young man. There is a chair in front of the young man. The old man is very glad to see the chair. He isn't very strong. He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes. He walks to the chair. He sees the young man walking to it, too. So he begins to run. Now he is in front of the young man. The young man says, “Don't sit on that chair!” The old man doesn't listen to him. He is sitting on it. He looks happy. The young man comes over to him. He is holding a small board in his hand. It says, “Wet Paint”(油漆未干).

1. Two young man are walking in the park.

2. There is a chair in front of the young man.

3. The old man isn't going to sit on the chair.

4. The old man listens to the young man and doesn't sit on the chair.

5. The young man isn't going to sit on the chair.


Listen and circle“T”or“F”.(听学生用书第32页的录音,圈一圈)

1)This is an American school.



2)There are children's paintings on all the walls.



3)There aren't a lot of games.



4)They can have fun at break time.



5)English children don't study hard.



6)They do homework every day.





Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).

(  )1)Julia is an American girl.

(  )2)She likes writing books.

(  )3)She doesn't like playing basketball.

(  )4)She loves watching TV and riding her bike.

(  )5)She likes swimming.

(  )6)She doesn't like tidying her bookshelf.

(  )


Listen and circle.(听课本第6页的录音,圈一圈)

1)Where did Daming go yesterday?

A.Chinatown in New York.

B.The Great Wall in China.

2)What did people speak there?


B.Chinese and English.

3)What restaurant did Daming and Simon eat in?

A.An American restaurant.

B.An English restaurant.

4)What does Simon want to learn?



5)Where does Simon want to visit?

A.The Summer Palace.

B.The Great Wall.


Fill in the blanks with the verbs in proper form

Listen! Ted ________(sing) an English song. (进行时)

