( )你想要别人打开书.应该说 . A. Open your book. B. Close your book. 查看更多



1. 当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:
[     ]
A. It doesn't matter.
B. I'm sorry. I'm late.
C. That's all right.
2. 当别人对你说 " What's your job? ” 你可以说:
[     ]
A. I'm Kate.
B. I'm a doctor.
C. I'm Li Ming's mother.
3. 当别人对你说“Let's go skating!”,你不想去可以说:
[     ]
A. Sorry, I am busy.
B. OK, let's go.
C. That's a good idea.
4. 当你的朋友说“I've got a bad cough.”,你可以说:
[     ]
A. How are you?
B. I'm sorry to hear that.
C. How do you do?
5. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说:
[     ]
A. What's your name?
B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls.
C. Goodbye boys and girls.
6. 你想知道有多少把椅子,可以说:
[     ]
A. How many chairs do you have?
B. How many chair do you have?
C. Where are the chairs?
7. 您想告诉别人“今天是星期一”时,可以说:
[     ]
A. Today is Monday.
B. Today is Tuesday.
C. What day is today?
8. 你想对别人说“对不起”,可以说:
[     ]
A. Thank you.
B. Sorry.
C. Goodbye.
9. 你想让别人看大象,应该说:
[     ]
A. Look at the elephant.
B. Look the elephant.
C. Look after the elephant.
10. 你想问别人,“你在哪儿”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. When are you?
B. Where are you?
C. What are you?
11. 你想对一个熟人打招呼,应该说:
[     ]
A. How do you do?
B. Where are you?
C. Hello!
12. 下午与朋友见面时,应该说:
[     ]
A. Good morning.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
13. 你有事麻烦别人,可以说:
[     ]
A. Excuse me.
B. You're welcome.
C. I'm sorry.
14. 你想说“我有6支铅笔”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I have six pencils.
B. I have six pen.
C. There're six pencils.
15. 你想告诉别人“我很高”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'm tall.
B. I was tall.
C. I am short.


1. 你想跟别人一起去,但你又必须做家庭作业,你该如何告诉别人呢?
[     ]
A. No, I can't. I must do my homework.
B. I'd like to, but I must do my homework.
C. I'm sorry, I can do my homework.
2. 你想邀请别人和你一起放风筝,该如何说?
[     ]
A. Do you like to fly a kite?
B. Would you like fly a kite?
C. Would you like to fly a kite with me?
3. 你想问朋友喜欢吃什么,该怎么说?
[     ]
A. What would you want to drink?
B. What would you like?
C. What can I do for you?
4. 你想问别人需要什么,该如何说?
[     ]
A. What do you need?
B. What do you want to do?
C. What would you like to eat?
5. 你想拿菜单点菜,该怎样对服务员说?
[     ]
A. May I have the menu?
B. I'd like some bread.
C. Shall I have some eggs?
6. 当你想知道别人是什么地方的人时,你说:
[     ]
A. Where are you from?
B. Do you live far from here?
C. Why do you come here?
7. 你的同学口渴了,你给他一杯水,可以说:
[     ]
A. Here's some water for you.
B. I know you are thirsty.
C. Take this cup of water.
8. 你告诉妈妈李明的个子比你高时,说:
[     ]
A. Li Ming is a tall boy.
B. Ming is taller than me.
C. Li Ming is as tall as me.
9. 你想知道别人是否有空,可以说:
[     ]
A. Please help me.
B. Do you have nothing to do?
C. Are you free now?
10. 当你得知北方的天气转冷,你对准备去北方的朋友说:
[     ]
A. You should take some warm clothes.
B. It's very cold. Don't go to the north.
C. Drink some hot tea, please.
11. 你想要一杯茶时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'd like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
12. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What's a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
13. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got. a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
14. 当你想了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like ping-pong?
15. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they? 


1. 当你想询问别人“悉尼天气怎么样”时,你应说: 
[     ]
A. What is the weather like today?
B. What is the weather like in Sydney?
C. It is rainy in Sydney.
2. 下雨了,你想提示别人打开雨伞时,你应说:
[     ]
A. Open up your umbrella.
B. Put on your sunglasses.
C. Put on your boots.
3. 假设你是一名售货员,当顾客来买东西时,你应说:    
[     ]
A. Can I help you?
B. How much is this dress?
C. I want a pair of sneakers.
4. 当你想买一件连衣裙,但价格太贵时,你应说:
[     ]
A. This dress is colourful.    
B. This dress is too expensive.
C. This dress is too cheap.
5. 当你在购物时,想要询问商品的价格,你应说:   
[     ]
A. What colour is it?
B. How many is it?
C. How much is it?


1.当别人向你说Thank you!时,你应说:
[     ]
A. Nice to meet you!    
B. Good morning!    
C. You're welcome!
[     ]
A. What's your name?    
B. Who are you?    
C. How old are you?
[     ]
A. Thank you.    
B. Not at all.    
C. You're welcome!
[     ]
A. Have an apple, please.
B. Can I have an apple?  
C. The apple is red.
[     ]
A. Good morning!    
B. Good afternoon!    
C. Where are you?
6.当别人对你说How are you?时,你应说:
[     ]
A. How are you?    
B. Nice to meet you.    
C. I'm fine, thank you.
[     ]
A. How are you?    
B. What's your name?    
C. How do you do?
8.当别人对你说Where is your nose?时,你应说:
[     ]
A. Here it is!    
B. My nose is red.    
C. I have a nose.
[     ]
A. Where is your book?  
B. May I have a look at your book?     
C. The book is nice.
[     ]
A. See you!    
B. Morning!    
C. Thank you!


1. 当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问:

[     ]

A. What's it?
B. What's the weather like today?
C. What a fine day today!
D. How is today?
2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问他人,应怎么问:

[     ]

A. What day is today?
B. What's the weather like today?
C. What is today?
D. What's the date today?
3. 如果你同一位朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do?你应回答:

[     ]

A. How are you?
B. Hello!
C. Hi!
D. How do you do?
4. 同学过生日,你要祝他生日快乐时,你会说:

[     ]

A. What day is today?
B. Today is your birthday.
C. Happy birthday to you.
D. It is fine today.
5. 当别人向你说:How are you?时,你应回答:

[     ]

A. I'm ten.
B. Fine, thank you.
C. How are you?
D. Welcome.
6. 当别人向你说:Happy New Year!时,你应回答:

[     ]

A. Thank you.
B. The same to you!
C. I'm happy today.
D. I'm fine, too.
7. 你是海伦吗?(电话用语):

[     ]

A. Are you Helen?
B. Is that Helen?
C. My mane is Helen.
D. Who are you?
8. 当你想打扰别人时,应先说:

[     ]

A. Excuse me.
B. I'm sorry.
C. Hello!
D. Sorry.
9. 有人到你学校参观,你表示欢迎,可以说:

[     ]

A. Welcome to our school.
B. Welcome back to school.
C. This is our school.
D. Here is our school.
10. 假如有人问路,而你不知道,可以说:

[     ]

A. It's over there, I think.
B. Go and ask the policeman.
C. Sorry, I don't know. You can go and ask the policeman.
D. I don't know. Don't ask me.

