( ) that woman? She’s Miss Li. A.Where’s B.Who’s C.Whose 查看更多



Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  V v V v V v

  Can you see the letter V v?

  V v V v V v

  I can see the letter V v.

  Letter V v looks like a goat.

  Look at that boy.

  He is between the two goats.



(  )This is Lulu Leopard.

(  )Who's that?

(  )My name’s Toomy.

(  )It’s an pencil box.




--What is that panda doing?

--It is_____.

A. eat B. eating C. to eat



1.have a look 2.here 3.to 4.what about 5.a bar of 6.man 7.o’clock 8.me

1.Come ________, Gao Shan.

2.Go ________ school.

3.I’d like ________ chocolate

4.Can I ________?

5.That ________ is my father.

6.________ some juice?

7.Excuse ________.Where is the radio?

8.It’s ten ________.



  Tony:Hi, Kent.I need your advice.I played with my daddy’s watch this morning and I broke it.

  Kent:That’s too bad.How did you break it?

  Tony:It fell(落下) to the ground from my hand.Then it broke.

  Kent:You should tell you father.It is an accident.He’ll understand.

  Tony:I can’t tell him.He told me I shouldn’t play with his watch.

  Kent:Maybe you can tell you mother.She will explain to you daa.

  Tony:Ok, that’s a good idea.I’ll try it.


Tony has a problem.He broke his daddy’s watch.

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Kent asks Tony for some advice.

(  )


Kent says Tony shouldn’t tell his father.

(  )


Tony can play his daddy’s watch after doing homework.

(  )

