( )Is the woman your mother? Yes, A.it is B.he is C.she is 查看更多



(     ) 1. How do we go to the zoo?    
(     ) 2. It's cold today, isn’t it?  
(     ) 3. Here you are.                
(     ) 4. Who's that man?              
(     ) 5. What time do you go home?    
(     ) 6. Is that woman your mother?    
(     ) 7. Shall we have lunch?        
(     ) 8. What's that?                
(     ) 9. How old is she?              
(     ) 10. What's her job?            
A. He is my uncle.     
B. Yes,she is.      
C. At five.          
D. By bus.            
E. Thank you.                                 
F. Yes, it is.        
G. It's a bird.      
H. All right.        
I. She’s a doctor.  
J. She's eleven.      


(     ) 1. What is your hobby?
(     ) 2. What does your father do?
(     ) 3. Where does your mother work?
(     ) 4. Where does the rain come from?
(     ) 5. How do you go to school?
(     ) 6. Who's that woman?
(     ) 7. Does he go to work by bus?
(     ) 8. Is your sister a teacher?
A. He's a doctor.
B. She works in a bookstore.
C. I like playing football.
D. She's my teacher.
E. I go to school by bus.
F. Yes, she is.
G. No, he doesn't.
H. It comes from the clouds.


(     ) 1. What colour is it?
(     ) 2. What's her name?
(     ) 3. Let's clean the desks.
(     ) 4. Are they on the table?
(     ) 5. What would you like?
(     ) 6. What's your mother?
(     ) 7. Who's that woman?
(     ) 8. Where are the keys?
(     ) 9. Can I help you?
(     ) 10. Is he a doctor?
(     ) 11. What can you see in the picture?
(     ) 12. What's in it?
(     ) 13. Who is that man? 
(     ) 14. What's for dinner?
(     ) 15. How many people are there in your family?
A. They are in the door.
B. She is my aunt.
C. It's yellow.
D. Yes, please.
E. Her name is Sarah.
F. All right.
G. No, he isn't.
H. She is a teacher.
I. Yes, they are.
J. I'd like some fish.
K. Four.
L. He is my father.
M. Two birds.
N. Rice and vegetables.
O. Some pens.



(  )1.A.Walkman B.worker C.woman

(  )2.A.where B.what C.who

(  )3.A.brother B.mother C.bus

(  )4.A.ear B.eye C.head

(  )5.A.policeman B.please C.teacher


(  )1.A.She’s a teacher.

B.She’s a doctor.

C.She’s Miss Li.

(  )2.A.What’s his job?

B.What’s her job?

C.What are their jobs?

(  )3.A.The one in the blue shirt.

B.The one in the blue skirt.

C.The one in the blue sweater.

(  )4.A.Is that man your teacher?

B.Is that woman your teacher?

C.Is that woman your mother?

(  )5.A.Who’s the man?

B.Who’s the woman?

C.Who’s the girl?


(  )1.A.It’s an apple.

B.They’re apples.

C.Yes, they’re apples.

(  )2.A.No, he isn’t.

B.Yes, I am.

C.No, I’m a teacher.

(  )3.A.He’s in the car.

B.He’s Mike.

C.The one in the car.

(  )4.A.I’m eleven.

B.He’s eleven.

C.She’s eleven.

(  )5.A.He’s a teacher.

B.Yes, he is.

C.He’s in the car.


1.A:________ me, are ________ a ________?

B:No, I’m ________.

2.A:What’s ________ ________?

B:I’m a ________.

3.________ late for ________!

4.The ________ with ________ hair is my ________?

5.A:________ that ________ man your grandfather?

B:No, he ________.

