at, look, old, the, woman(.) 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

My name is Daisy and I'm eight. Last holiday I wanted to see my grandmother She lives in a small village by the sea. I like it there because I can swim and play on the beach. My mother took me to the bus stop and put me on the bus that went to the bus station in the town.


Mow old is Daisy? eight


1.Where is her grandmother's village? ________

2.What does Daisy like to do on the beach? ________

3.Who took Daisy to the bus stop? ________

In the bus station I had to find another bus-bus number 20. I was hungry, and I bought a chicken sandwich and some lemonade in a cafe. Then I saw the bus start so I ran and quickly jumped on. I sat next to an old woman who talked a lot. It was hot and I slept. I woke up and the bus was in another bus station, but it wasn't my grandmother's village!

4.Which number bus did Daisy need? ________

5.What did she buy to drink? ________

6.Who did Daisy sit next to? ________

7.Why did Daisy sleep? because ________

I was sitting on the wrong bus. It wasn't bus number 20. I was afraid and I started to cry. The old woman said, “What's the matter?” I told her my story. She telephoned my grandmother and then she found another bus which went to my grandmother's village. She put me on this bus and gave me some cake. I was very happy and I said,“Thank you very much”

8.Why did Daisy cry? because ________

9.Who did the old woman telephone? ________

10.What did the old woman give Daisy? ________


      Hi! This is my family photograph. Look at the woman, she has short, curly hair. She is my mother's sister.
She is a waitress. Look at the man in the car. He is my father. He is a businessman. The police officer is my
uncle. He is tall. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. Do you know the old man? He is my mother's
1. What does my aunt do?
2. Is my father a businessman?
3. Who is a police officer in my family?
4. Where does my mother work?
5. Is the old man my father's father?


1. Nancy is              her purse. She can't find it. (look around, look for)
2. The old woman's keys are on the ground. Let's            (pick up, pick) the key for her.
3. My aunt            (wash, water) the flowers every morning.
4. Would you like             (give,make) a birthday card for your mother ?
5. My parents            (watch, look at) a film last night.


       One day, Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things 
from the shop. And the things are very heavy, so they want to put them into their car. But Mr White can't open 
the door of the car. "Let's ask a policeman for help." says Mrs White. They ask a policeman to help them. The 
policeman is very friendly to help them open the door of the car. At that time a man comes up and shouts,  
"What are you doing with my car?" Mr and Mrs White look at the number of the car, then they say sorry to the
1. Mr and Mrs White go shopping               .
[     ]
A. by bike                     
B. by car                     
C. with their son
2. They want to                .
[     ]
A. put the heavy things into their car                    
B. look for a policeman
C. buy a car
3. Mr White can't open the door of the car               .
[     ]
A. but Mrs White can                                        
B. but the policeman can
C. but soon he opens it
4.              helps them open the door of the car.
[     ]
A. An old man              
B. A woman               
C. A policeman
5. They look at              and they know they are wrong.
[     ]
A. the policeman           
B. the man                 
C. the number of the car


     On Sunday morning, Mr. Brown and   1   child, Bill are in a big shop. Mr. Brown wants to   2   a
new coat   3   Mrs. Brown. Bill   4   oranges, so his father buys two bags   5   him, too. Bill also wants
to buy some picture-books   6   color pencils. There are many things and many   7   in the shop. They
are men and   8  , old and   9  . They. They   10  want to buy something there.
(     )1. A. her    
(     )2. A. look    
(     )3. A. to      
(     )4. A. likes  
(     )5. A. of      
(     )6. A. then    
(     )7. A. peoples
(     )8. A. woman  
(     )9. A. new    
(     )10. A. all    
B. my    
B. buy    
B. at    
B. like  
B. for    
B. and    
B. pupil  
B. womans   
B. young  
B. both  
C. his        
C. carry      
C. give        
C. liking      
C. in          
C. to          
C. people      
C. lady        
C. long        
C. in the shop  
D. he      
D. put    
D. for    
D. is like
D. and    
D. but    
D. a pupil
D. women                           
D. tall    
D. every  

