I was very nervous before the concert. 音乐会之前我很紧张. Module 5 查看更多



Read the text and choose the best answer.

Harry:You were retired 5 years ago, weren't you?


[  ]

A.Yes, I've been retired for 5 years.

B.Yes, I did.

C.Yes, I was retired 6 years ago.


Read the text and choose the best answer.

A famous singer Joanna Block has come to Clare's school. Read the students' questions and choose Joanna's answers.


Clare: Have you always wanted to be a singer before?


[ A ]

A.Yes, I enjoy singing very much.

B.No, at ten years old.

C.I wanted to be a teacher.

1.Billy: How long have you been a singer?


[  ]

A.10 years ago.

B.Since 1990.

C.In the year 1990.

2.Eva: Have you ever won any big singing competitions?


[  ]

A.Yes, I do.

B.No, I'm not.

C.Yes, I have.

3.Susan: You've written some songs. When did you begin to do it?


[  ]

A.Since 1999 ago.

B.I began in 1999.

C.When I was 25.

4.Philip: Have you ever been to any other countries to sing?


[  ]

A.By plane.

B.Yes, I have.

C.No, I didn't.

5.Lorna: What's the most important thing for you during the next 10 years.


[  ]

A.I don't think so.

B.Singing, I think.

C.Sorry, I'm not.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in eachanswer.

  My name is Ben. I was having an English lesson now. The boy sitting next to me was Paul and he gave me a piece of paper. He wrote something on it and I read, “There is going to be a soccer game on TV at 4:15 p.m. Let's finish the lesson earlier and go to see it.” I whispered(轻声说), “OK.” It was half past three. A few minutes later, Paul put up his hand and said to Miss Smith, our teacher that he had a bad headache. So Miss Smith said she would take him outside.


Who was sitting next to Paul? Ben


(1)What subject was the teacher teaching? ________

(2)What did Paul want to watch on TV? ________

(3)Who went out of the classroom with Paul? ________

  After the teacher went out, I quickly moved the teacher's chair to the clock and jumped on it. Then I turned the clock to four o'clock. Then I put the chair back and went back to my seat.

(4)Who stood on the chair? ________

(5)What time did he turn the clock to? ________

  Soon Miss Smith and Paul came back and Paul said, “I've had hot water and I'm much better now.” Miss Smith walked to the blackboard and then she looked up at the clock. “Oh, no! it's twenty-five past four!” She looked at her watch, “What's wrong? It's only three thirty-five on my watch.” She shouted. We were all laughing. Just then, the girl named Sue sitting behind me stood up. She pointed to the clock and said to the teacher, “That's Ben. He did it.” Miss Smith got very angry. She looked at me and Paul said, “You two stay in the classroom after school.” We were both sad.

(6)What did Paul drink outside the classroom? ________

(7)Who told the teacher about it? ________


Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

  Dear Uncle Tom,

  Thank you for the lovely card and present you sent me for Example:

  my birthday. The box of paints is lovely and I've already used it to ________ some pictures. One of my pictures is of our holiday ________ Japan last summer and I sent the picture to a school competition and I ________ the first place in the competition. I was very happy. Mum ________ gave me a lot of other nice birthday presents, and I ________ some lovely blue jeans from Grandparents.

  Thanks again and see you soon.




Read the text and choose the best answer.

A famous painter, Franklin is having his art show. Read the journalists' questions and choose Franklin's answers.


Journalist: When did you start painting?


[ A ]

A.When I was a little boy.

B.At 6:00 o'clock.

C.For ten years.

1.Journalist: What do you think of your first painting teacher?


A.He's Mr. Smith. B.He is excellent. C.He is already 45 years old.

2.Journalist: It is the first day of the art show. When will it end?


[  ]

A.We don't know yet.

B.A year.

C.Four days later.

3.Journalist: Where did you paint this picture?


[  ]

A.On an island.

B.With paintbrush.

C.Ten kilometres away.

4.Journalist: Who is the most important person for you?


[  ]


B.My parents.

C.I love my parents.

5.Journalist: Shall I see another painting of yours?


[  ]

A.OK, you will.

B.No, I'll show you.

C.OK, here you are.

