We are going to Beijing in holiday. 查看更多



Where     What     How far     How     May
1. ____________ is it from Beijing to Shanghai?  It's 2, 320 kilometres.
2. ____________ do you go to your hotel?  By taxi.
3. ____________ can they do in Qingdao?  We can swim.
4. ____________ are you going for your holiday?  Dalian.
5. ____________ I go shopping on Sunday?  Yes, you may.


in     on     at     for     with     by     to
      Jenny and Andy leave Canada _____________ 6: 15 _____________ the evening _____________ January
second. They arrive at 6: 00 the next morning. They stay _____________ my family _____________ two days.
We are going to Beijing _____________ train. We have a trip _____________ Beijing. We want to spend our
holiday _____________ Beijing.


      Summer holiday is coming. My sister wants to go to Shanghai, because it is very near from my city. My
father wants to go to Sanya. He says, " It is very beautiful and warm." My mother wants to stay at home. She
wants to have a rest (休息). But I am going to Beijing. Because it is not far. At last (最后) our family decides
(决定) to go to Beijing. I am very happy.
1. Where does the family to go at last?
A. Beijing.
B. Sanya.
C. Shanghai.
2. How many people are there in the family?
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
3. Who wants to stay at home?
A. Sister.
B. Mother.
C. Father.
4. My father wants to go ____________ for the holiday.
A. Shanghai
B. Sanya
C. Beijing
5. Is Beijing very far from my home? 
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn't.
C. We don't know.

