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Read the passage and answer the following questions

  Which animals do we need most? Dogs? Cats? Horses? No! The answer to the question is cows.

  Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our most important(重要的)kinds of food.

  If all the milk cows make in one year is put into bottles, and if these bottles are put side by side(并排放), the line of bottles will go around the world 4,000 times!

  That is a lot of milk. Less than half of it is used for drinking and cooking. Most of it is used to make butter, cheese, ice cream and many other things.

  Now cows give more milk than before. Why? The farmers have got better cows. The cows get better care(照料)and better food.

(1)What animals are the important ones?

[  ]


(2)How much milk is used for drinking and cooking?

[  ]

A.Half of it.

B.Less than half of it.

C.Most of it.

D.More than half of it.

(3)Can milk be used to make ice cream?

[  ]

A.Not sure.
D.Not be told.


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.

Example: I have got no arms or legs So I don't walk or fly. And I don't in the water or on the ground. There are no animals or________ living on me. People like to see me because I have a lot of beautiful and

2.different________But you can't buy me in the shop or take me

3.________ You can't see me on windy days. Sometimes you can find crossing the________after the rain and sometimes you can see above the________Climbing on me, you can be very close to of the________

7.What am I?

[  ]

A.I am a star.

B.A mountain.

C.A rainbow.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

Last weekend was my birthday. I wanted a party, so on Friday I phoned some of my friends. First, I phoned Jane. I said, “Hello, Jane. Would you like to come to my birthday party on Sunday evening?” She said, “I'm sorry Betty, I can't. I've got toothache.“ Then I phoned John. He said, ”Oh, I'm very sorry. I played football yesterday and I hurt my foot.“


Whose birthday was it last weekend?  Betty's  


1.On which day did she want her party? ________

2.What was the matter with Jane? ________

3.How did John hurt his foot? ________

On Saturday I tried again. I phoned Ben. He said, "I'm sorry. My dad has got to work on Sunday, so he can't take me to your house." Then I tried Kim. "I'm sorry," she said, “I'm going to the sea with my cousins.“ I started to cry. I wanted my friends with me on my birthday. My mum said, "Don't be sad… your grandparents can come to supper for your birthday."

4.Who had to work on Sunday? ________

5.Who was the last person Betty phoned? ________

6.How many people did Betty phone on Saturday? ________

On Sunday I was sad because my friends couldn't come In the evening I went to my bedroom and put on my dress. Then I went into the garden and do you know what I saw? All my friends!

They jumped up and shouted, “Happy birthday, Betty!“ Then they gave me a beautiful kite. We all laughed.

My grandparents were there. and Kim came with her cousins. We danced a lot and they all sang “Happy birthday”. We had a great party.

7.Where did Betty put on her dress? ________

8.Where were all Betty's friends? ________

9.What did her friends give her? ________

10.Who went to the party with Kim? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in eachanswer.

  My name is Ben. I was having an English lesson now. The boy sitting next to me was Paul and he gave me a piece of paper. He wrote something on it and I read, “There is going to be a soccer game on TV at 4:15 p.m. Let's finish the lesson earlier and go to see it.” I whispered(轻声说), “OK.” It was half past three. A few minutes later, Paul put up his hand and said to Miss Smith, our teacher that he had a bad headache. So Miss Smith said she would take him outside.


Who was sitting next to Paul? Ben


(1)What subject was the teacher teaching? ________

(2)What did Paul want to watch on TV? ________

(3)Who went out of the classroom with Paul? ________

  After the teacher went out, I quickly moved the teacher's chair to the clock and jumped on it. Then I turned the clock to four o'clock. Then I put the chair back and went back to my seat.

(4)Who stood on the chair? ________

(5)What time did he turn the clock to? ________

  Soon Miss Smith and Paul came back and Paul said, “I've had hot water and I'm much better now.” Miss Smith walked to the blackboard and then she looked up at the clock. “Oh, no! it's twenty-five past four!” She looked at her watch, “What's wrong? It's only three thirty-five on my watch.” She shouted. We were all laughing. Just then, the girl named Sue sitting behind me stood up. She pointed to the clock and said to the teacher, “That's Ben. He did it.” Miss Smith got very angry. She looked at me and Paul said, “You two stay in the classroom after school.” We were both sad.

(6)What did Paul drink outside the classroom? ________

(7)Who told the teacher about it? ________


Read the text and choose the best answer.


Jill:Grandfather, how many students were there in your class at school?


[  ]

A.There will be about forty.

B.There were about forty.

C.There are about forty.


(1)Jill:Did you have to wear a uniform to school?


[  ]

A.Oh, yes, I've worn jeans.

B.Oh, no, I don't wear any.

C.Oh, no, I didn't wear it. I wore jeans.

(2)Jill:What did you do after school?


[  ]

A.Sometimes I played the drums.

B.Well, I like reading books in the library.

C.I should listen to music.

(3)Jill:Did you have any holidays away from home?


[  ]

A.Yes, we were walking along the river.

B.Yes, the beach was near my house.

C.Yes, every summer vacation we went to the countryside.

(4)Jill:You worked for a newspaper office, didn't you?


[  ]

A.Yes, I have worked there for a long time.

B.Yes, I started at age of eighteen.

C.Yes, I must do a lot of work.

(5)Jill:What's the biggest difference between now and fifty years ago?


[  ]

A.We still like computer games.

B.We didn't use computers then.

C.We haven't got computers yet.

