例:What are you doing? →I’m swimming. 1 What are your mother doing? → 2 What’s Tom doing? → 3 What’s Lingling doing? → 4 What’s Sam doing? → 5 What’s Amy doing? → 查看更多



Read and choose:True or False (T or F)

  Ted has a beautiful parrot. Every day Ted speaks to it, “Hello!” and the parrot says, “Hello!”

  “What are you doing?” says Ted.

  “What are you doing?” says the parrot.

  One day a thief came in. He stole(偷) things from the house. When he was leaving, he heard a voice(声音), “What are you doing?” The thief was afraid and dropped(扔掉) the things and ran away quickly. In fact, it was the parrot who frightened(惊吓) the thief away.

The parrot can say, “What are you doing?”

(  )

Parrot is a bird which can speak.

(  )

The parrot knew the thief.

(  )

Ted said, “What are you doing?” when the thief was leaving.

(  )


Look at the pictures and read the questions.

Write one-word answers.


Where are the children?    at school

How many children are there?   5


1.What colour are the girls' dresses? a _______

2.Where are the girls playing with?  a _______

3.How many boys are sitting down?  _______

4.What are the children doing now?  _______

5.Who is with the children?   the _______ !


Reorder the sentences to make a story.

Then answer the questions.(重新排列句子,组成对话,答一答)

(  )Jack:Oh, it is beautiful.

(  )Jerry:Is it your school?

(  )Jack:Yes, it's big, too!

(1)Jerry:Look at this picture.

(  )Jack:The school often starts at 9 o'clock.And it finishes at half past three.

(  )Jerry:Yes, this is my school in England.

(  )Jack:They are the children's paintings.

(  )Jerry:Jack, what time do the children go to school in England?

(  )Jack:They read books and play lots of games.

(  )Jerry:Then, what do children often do after school?

(  )Jack:What are those on the wall?

(  )Jerry:Sounds(听起来)fun!

1)Is it a Chinese school?


2)What time does the school start and finish?


3)Are there children's paintings on the wall?


4)What do the children often do after school?



Look at the pictures and read the questions.

Write one-word answers.



What is the woman wearing on her a hat head?

How many men are there? three


1.What colour is the girl's hair?   ________


2.How may tigers are there?   ________

3.What are they doing?    ________

4.Where is the girl?    in a ________

5.What are the tigers eating?   ________



1、What color are they?(  )

2、What color is it?(  )

3、Are these tomatoes?(  )

4、How many books are there?(  )

5、What are these?(  )

