the next day 第二天 18. run to-跑向- 查看更多



Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

A Bad Day


Yesterday was the worst day of the week. It was Wednesday.

1.the ________day of school. But I didn't go to school the next day. There

2.was something wrong ________my legs. When I played football with friends on the playground, the ball suddenly flew to me and ________ head, and I also hurt my legs. The teacher took me to the ________

5.and I had ________temperature. So the doctor gave me some medicine.

After being in bed for a week, I feel much better now. I am so happy because I can go to school again.



























One day, Jack and his cow went to a market. He wanted some food. But no one wanted his old cow. At last, an old man came. He had some magic beans. Jack gave his cow to the man and the man gave Jack the beans. Then Jack walked back to his house. He put the beans in the ground. The next day, there was a tall beanstalk in the garden. Jack was very surprised.

1. One day, Jack went to a market himself.______.

2. Many people wanted Jack's old cow._____.

3. Jack went back to his house with his cow at last._____


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Sally and Paul Smith were playing in the street when they saw a woman. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand and she walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The woman gave it to their father.


What's Sally's brother's name? Paul Smith

1.Where were Sally and Paul playing? ________

2.Whom was the letter to? ________

Their father opened the letter and looked very happy. “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!” “What's this?” Sally and Paul asked.

“We've won a competition.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!” “We are going to stay in a hotel in London and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only four tickets to get there!”

3.How did their father feel when he read the letter? ________

4.What have they won in the competition? ________

5.Where are they going to live in London? ________

The next day they started off. When they were in the car going to the station, Mom asked dad, “Have you got enough money?” Dad looked into his pockets. He didn't have any left, so they had to go home and get some.

They were late at the station. They saw a train, so Sally asked a woman, “Is that the fast train to London?” “No, it isn't,” she answered, “That train has already left. You might have to get the slower one.” They had to take the slower train. It was so boring.

6.How did the family get to the stations? ________

7.Which train was Sally's family too late to catch? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday was Saturday. I wanted to have a party because the next day would be my 10th birthday. I phoned Jennifer. I asked her, “Hi, Jennifer! I' m going to have a birthday party. Would you like to came tomorrow?”She answered,“Sure, Betty. I'll come.”Then I phoned the other friends. They all wanted to have the party in the forest and have a picnic there.


Whose birthday is it? Betty's

1.How old is she now? ________

2.Who did she phone first? ________

3.Where did they want to have the party? ________

In the afternoon, I went shopping for the party with Mom in the supermarket. We went on foot because it's near my house. I wanted to take some sandwiches and sausages to the forest. But there weren't any. Mom said,“Don't be sad. Let's go to another supermarket to buy these things.”Then we had to go to another one and bought much food and drinks which I needed on my birthday. At last we went to the cake shop and bought a birthday cake.

4.How did she go to the first supermarket? ________

5.What did she want to buy in the supermarket? ________

6.What was the last place Betty went? ________

The next day was a fine day. We started at 7 o'clock. We all went there by bikes. We stopped at the river and then had a picnic lunch there. Jennifer played her guitar and all of my friends sang “Happy birthday to you, Betty”. And they also gave me a lot of things for my birthday. My favourite one is a kite which is from Paul. We danced, jumped and shouted. After lunch some of my friends played baseball on the grass. They enjoyed it very much. It was a great party.

7.What was the weather like on Sunday? ________

8.What did Jennifer take to the forest? ________

9.Who gave Betty a kite? ________

10.Where did they play baseball? ________


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

Last week a man called David decided to go to the beach He was swimming under the water, when suddenly he saw a strange fish. It was very long and thin, and looked like a ________At first, David was afraid. He ________“Oh no, that looks dangerous!”But the fish didn't see him, and swam slowly away, so he ________it. David was carrying his underwater camera, so he decided to________some photos. Later, he told his friend, who was a journalist, about the fish. The next day, David's story was in the ________He is now famous because nobody else has ever seen that kind of fish.

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

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A.The friendly fish

B.David breaks his camera

C.David's strange fish

