-I’d like this , please. -OK. Here you are. 查看更多



(     )1. Here you are.                  
(     )2. I like skipping.                
(     )3. What's this?                    
(     )4. Pass me the rice, please.      
(     )5. What do you do at seven o'clock?
(     )6. What's your favourite song?    
(     )7. What are they?                  
(     )8. Do you like fish?              
(     )9. Does Tingting like rice?        
(     )10. What's the time?              
A. I watch TV          
B. OK.                  
C. Thank you.          
D. I like skipping, too.
E. It's a monkey.      
F. Yes, I do.          
G. It's half past five.
H. It's the ABC song.  
I. They are lions.      
J. No, she doesn't.                                                             


Read the text and choose the best answer.


Mr Brown: Can I help you?


[ A ]

A.Yes, please.

B.No, I can't

C.Fine, thank you

1.Mr Brown: What would you like?


A.I like reading good books.

B.Yes, I would.

C.I'd like a present.

2.Mr Brown: Who is it for?


[  ]

A.My Mum.

B.It is.

C.It's her birthday.

3.Mr Brown: Shall I show you some books about dogs?


[  ]

A.No, thank you. Her dog's called Tom.

B.No, thank you. I gave her a book last year

C.No, thank you. I read it last week.

4. Mr Brown: Mow about this picture of a dolphin?


[  ]

A.It's too big.

B.It's too quiet.

C.I haven't got it.

5. Mr Brown: Why don't you buy some flowers?


[  ]

A.Oh, that was nice.

B.Oh, yes, they're lovely.

C.Oh, yes, I buy some.

Mr Brown: OK then. Here you are.

Emma: Thank you.


(     ) 1. Your Chinese is very good.              
(     ) 2. What would you like?                    
(     ) 3. How do you do?                          
(     ) 4. I like books.                            
(     ) 5. Sorry, I'm late.                        
(     ) 6. Here's a present for you.               
(     ) 7. Is everyone at school today?            
(     ) 8. Are you friends?                        
(     ) 9. Is that Liu Tao speaking?               
(     ) 10. What is she going to buy for her friend?
A. She's going to buy her some flowers.
B. No, Bob is ill.  
C. Thank you.                          
D. Yes, this is Liu Tao.  
E. How do you do?                      
F. Me too.                             
G. Yes, we are.      
H. Some tea, please.      
I. Thanks. It's nice.           
J. It's OK.                      

