X共( )笔 2. U共( )笔 查看更多



Read the poem.(读一读)

         There was an old woman.

         She lived in a shoe.

         She had lots of children.

         In fact, twenty-two.

         She gave them soup

         and she gave them bread.

         She kissed them good night.

         and put them to bed.



--   dress is it?

--It is    .

A. Who; hers  B. Whose; her  C. Whose; hers


Read aloud(大声读一读)

  Trees , trees.

  Big H are trees.

  They're near a house.

  Small h is the house.

  The boy is in the house.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Colours, colours.

  What colour do you like?

  I like red, you like purple.

  She likes yellow, he likes blue.

  They like black, we like white.

  Like, like.

  What colour do you like?


Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).(听课本第26页的录音,判断句子正误.在正确的句子前面写“T”,错误的写“F”)

(  )1)Daming is looking at his new CD-ROM.

(  )2)His new CD-ROM is about animals.

(  )3)His Grandma's favourite animal is dogs.

(  )4)It says that pandas love bamboo.

(  )5)Pandas eat eleven hours a day!

(  )6)Grandma loves bamboo too.

(  )7)Snakes love music.

(  )8)Snakes are deaf.

(  )9)Snakes can hear music.

(  )10)It's copying the flute.

(  )

