go ate see bought drink saw buy went eat drank Part Two: Writing Test(30%) 查看更多




  The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived two hundred years ago. Sandwich had lots of money. He was very rich. But he liked playing cards for money. He often played all day and all night. One time, he played twenty-four hours and didn't stop. He didn't leave the card table to eat. He asked his servant(仆人) to bring him some meat and some bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way, he could go on playing cards. From the name of this man, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich” today.

1. Sandwich was ________ before.

A. English food   B. an English car   C. an Englishman

2. Sandwich _______ plays cards.

A. sometimes   B. never   C. often

3. He didn't stop _________ when he played cards.

A. eating   B. to eat   C. eats

4. He played cards ________.

A. day and night   B. all day   C. all night

5. Sandwich is the name of ________ today.

A. a man   B. food   C. drink



-- What did he do last night?

-- He ________.

A. ate an apple   B. read books   C. drank milk



After school, I go to the library. I like ______.

A. read   B. to read     C. reading



I go to school _____.

A. bus   B. by bicycle  C. walk



--How do you go to school?

--I walk to school because I live ______ it.

A. near   B. near to   C. far from

