Ⅰ Ⅱ1.( ) How old are you ? A. It’s eleven . 查看更多



(     ) 1. How old are you? 
(     ) 2. What time is it?
(     ) 3. How many books do you have?
(     ) 4. Where's the library?
(     ) 5. Is that your computer?
(     ) 6. I like the white dress.
A. It's seven o'clock.
B. It's on the first floor.
C. I'm eleven.
D. Me, too.
E. I have six.                                                                            
F. No, it isn't.          


A. Where    B. How old    C. How many    D. What time    E. What colour
1. _____________ is it?  It's blue.
2. _____________ are you?  I'm eleven.
3. _____________ is it?  It's seven o'clock.
4. _____________ balls can you see?  I can see five.
5. _____________ is the music room?  It's near the library.


1. What's the time?                  
2. Do you get up at 6:30?            
3. How old are you?                  
4. What's this?                      
5. Does she go to school at 8:00?       
A. I'm eleven.
B. Yes, she does.
C. It's half past seven.
D. It's a clock.
E. No, I don't.


(     )1. What's that?                  
(     )2. Who's that woman?            
(     )3. How are you?                  
(     )4. How old are you?              
(     )5. Where are you from?            
(     )6. How many monkeys can you see?  
(     )7. Can I have some ice-cream?    
(     )8. How many pencils do you have?  
(     )9. What's your mother?          
(     )10. How do you do?                
(     )11. Can I use your pen?          
(     )12. Do you like bananas?          
(     )13. Who's that woman?            
(     )14. How many cats can you see?    
(     )15. Where is the ball?            
a. I have thirteen pencils.      
b. That's a pen.                
c. I'm from China.              
d. How do you do ?              
e. She is a teacher.            
f. I'm fine.                    
g. She is my mother.            
h. I'm eleven.                  
i. I can see twenty-two monkeys.                               
J. Sure.                        
k. Yes, I do.                    
l. She's my mother.            
m. I can see 11.                
n. It's under the chair.        
o. Sure.                        


(     ) 1. What is the weather like today?
(     ) 2. What's your mother?  
(     ) 3. How much is the nice shirt?
(     ) 4. How old are you?  
(     ) 5. What do you want to eat?
A. Thirty yuan. 
B. I am eleven. 
C. Chicken.                                                                                   
D. It's cloudy and cool. 
E. She's a nurse.

