序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 答案 1, c mputer (A, e, B, a , C, i , D, o ) 2, f n (A, i B, e C,o D,a) 3, f v (五) (A,i,a B, e,i C, a,e D,i,e) 4, m th (A, i B, u C, e D, a ) 5, m s c (A, u,r, B,i,u C, a,e D,u,i) 6, p ctur (A, o,o B, e,e C,e,i D, i,e) 三.根据上下句意.选择正确答案序号填在表格内. 1, This (是) my computer. A, are B, it C, is 2, (那) is your computer. A, This B, that C,That 3, Is this a teacher’s desk?肯定回答应说: A, No, it isn’t B, Yes, it’s C, Yes, it is 4, “那是图画吗? 用英语要说: A,That is a picture. B, Is this a picture? C, Is that a picture? 5, It’s time for class. A,China B, chinese C, Chinese 6, It’s (三)o’clock. A,ten B, two C, three 7, 用英语询问“现在几点了 : A, What is it? B, How much time is it? C, What time is it? 8.Don’t in the computer room. A, write an e-mail B, play computer C, drink or eat 9.Where is the computer room?It’s on A, the third floor B, the first floor C, the second floor. 查看更多




1.have a look 2.here 3.to 4.what about 5.a bar of 6.man 7.o’clock 8.me

1.Come ________, Gao Shan.

2.Go ________ school.

3.I’d like ________ chocolate

4.Can I ________?

5.That ________ is my father.

6.________ some juice?

7.Excuse ________.Where is the radio?

8.It’s ten ________.



1.a cup of tea 2.a box of milk 3.an egg

4.some cakes 5.an ice-cream 6.a glass of orange juice

7.a hamburger 8.a cup of coffee

Eat(吃) ________ ________ ________ ________

Drink(喝) ________ ________ ________ ________


A. fi_ _        B. n_ _dles          C. fr_it          D. r_ce          E. v_ g _tables
1.          2.           3. 
           (     )                            (     )                            (     )                 
                    4.                 5. 
                           (     )                             (     )



1. 食物类: ___________________________________________________
2. 水果类: ___________________________________________________
3. 餐具类: ___________________________________________________


(     )1.
(     )2.
(     )3.
(     )4.
(     )5.
A. r _ c _  
B. j _ i _ _ 

C. d _ mp _ in _ s  
D. f _ u _ t

E. s _ _ p

